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University Faculty Scholars Selection Process

Details for the 2024-25 Academic Year

The University Faculty Scholars Program, established in 2012 by Chancellor Woodson to recognize and reward emerging academic leaders among our faculty, identifies approximately twenty (20) tenured or tenure-track faculty scholars each year. Faculty members selected as University Faculty Scholars will carry the title for the duration of their faculty appointment at NC State and will receive a permanent increase to their base salary.

Nominations are limited to assistant professors who have been reappointed for a second term, all associate professors, and professors within the first three years of appointment at that rank. To clarify, in the year of nomination, nominated assistant professors must hold the status of “Assistant Professor, 2nd Term.” The final year of eligibility for nomination is the third year following their promotion to professor.

Faculty members who were nominated but not named University Faculty Scholars in previous years and are still eligible may be nominated by their college. However, no faculty member may receive the award more than once.

To be eligible for consideration, outstanding faculty should be nominated by their college. Review the individual college nominating procedures for additional details.

The number of nominations for each college has been set, based on the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty FTEs in that college. The provost’s Administrative Advisory Committee comprises a tenured faculty representative from each of the ten degree-granting colleges. This committee will review nominations and make recommendations to the provost. The provost in consultation with the chancellor will make the final decision on awardees. No college will receive a set number of awards in any given year.

If you have questions about the procedures or timeline below, please contact Sherry Bailey, Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator,

Timeline for the 2024-25 Academic Year

  • Individual nominations due to college committees: varies
  • October 23, 2024. Nominations from colleges due to Provost’s Office. Nominations should be submitted to Sherry Bailey at
  • October 2024 – Organizational meeting of the AAC, to include the provost’s charge, determination of a chair, and discussion of review procedures
  • October 23, 2024. If needed, submission of deans’ nomination of 2 tenured faculty one of which will be selected by the provost to serve on the Administrative Advisory Committee (AAC). Submit to Sherry Bailey, Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator.
  • November 1 – November 29, 2024. AAC reviews nominations
  • November 29, 2024.  Deadline – Deans’ statement of special consideration. Submission at deans’ discretion.  Submit to Sherry Bailey at
  • TBD – Administrative Advisory Committee nomination review and recommendation on Zoom
  • Post AAC Meetings (early December 2024). Administrative Advisory Committee chair submits recommended nominees to the provost
  • February 2025. 2023-24 University Faculty Scholars announced
  • July 1, 2025. Funds available in the form of an increase to base salary for 2023-24 University Faculty Scholars

Selection Criteria

Significant Achievement Appropriate to Rank in Research/Scholarship, Teaching and/or Extension/Engagement/Service:

(Examples in categories below are not exhaustive)

  • Research/Scholarship: Productivity in research, creative activity, external funding, publications and presentations which are relevant to the discipline and recognized locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Teaching: Excellence in teaching, course and program improvement, advising, undergraduate and graduate student mentoring, and participation in other activities that enhance the development of students; recognition for teaching at university or national level.
  • Extension/Engagement/Service: Leadership in extension, public service, and contributions to professional societies; assistance and advice to industry, business, government and other educational institutions; campus service which has an impact on the institution.

Nomination Materials

Nominations from the colleges should include the following:

  • Current CV, current SFR (including percentages) and a summary statement of teaching evaluations (maximum 25 pages total)
  • Faculty with significant extension responsibilities – impact statement describing how their service philosophy and activities impact the extension community (maximum 1 page)
  • Letter of nomination from a colleague other than the department head addressing the nominee’s qualifications, current impact and potential contributions (maximum 2 pages)
  • Letter of support from the nominee’s department head (maximum 2 pages)
  • Letter from the dean supporting the nomination at the university level and addressing the nominee’s contributions/impact/value to the department/college/university (maximum 2 pages)
  • Required nominee information. Use this submission worksheet as a guide to prepare for online submission.

In previous years, the Administrative Advisory Committee for the University Faculty Scholars Program has made the following suggestions for letters of nomination and support:

  • Letters should not merely summarize information on the CV and SFR but should emphasize the impact and value of the nominee’s work from the perspective of the letter’s author.
  • Letters should address accomplishments in the areas of faculty responsibility that are the foci of the nominee’s work. The areas of faculty responsibility include teaching and mentoring, discovery of knowledge, creative artistry and literature, technological and managerial innovation, extension and engagement, and service.
  • Letters of support should not only address the nominee’s qualifications but should also provide sufficient information that will help the Administrative Advisory Committee evaluate the nominee’s leadership potential in the context of her or his appointment across the realms of responsibility.

Submission Process

Please submit all nomination documents within two (2) PDF files 

  • Each college has a limited number of nominees. Nomination package materials for selected nominees should be submitted using the following link:
  • Submit separate PDF files using the proper naming protocol for the nomination components listed above. Information about the naming protocol can be found on the submission worksheet as well as the online submission form.
  • All PDF files comprising each submission package will need to be submitted at the same time.
  • For questions or concerns, contact Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator, Sherry Bailey, at .

Please contact Ms. Bailey at if you have any questions or concerns regarding submissions. 

University Faculty Scholars Administrative Advisory Committee

To be announced.

Related Links and Documents

Find additional resources related to the current years’ University Faculty Scholars Program process here.