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Writing Wednesdays: Accountability and Productivity

by Kirsti Cole

The Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE) and the Campus Writing and Speaking Program (CWSP) are excited to announce a return to Writing Wednesdays

Every Wednesday at noon, for one hour, faculty are invited to meet face-to-face or online to write. Starting November 1 in the OFE Conference Room (Clark Hall), these mini retreats will follow the Pomodoro technique in which participants write for 2-25 minute sessions with room for reflection and goal-setting in between. The goal of these sessions is to get writing projects done. Participants can work toward a specific writing task in a structured and supportive environment and discover tips for preparing for the retreat and getting your writing done. On the first Wednesday of each month, Dr. Kirsti Cole (CWSP, English) will work with campus experts to present resources from the Libraries, the IRB office, and the Campus Writing and Speaking Program to make the writing groups as productive as possible. 

Writing Groups have many benefits, and in this blog, we will cover the top 6. The first is accountability. By joining a writing group, members find that they can more easily set and accomplish goals. The Pomodoro technique is one way to accomplish goals and make progress, particularly large-scale goals like writing an academic paper. At the core of the 25-minute session is a way to break down a complex project, cluster smaller tasks together, and make it easy to get started. The accountability of a writing group will combat distractions, create a supportive environment, and could result in interdisciplinary work if pursued in the long term. 

The accountability available in writing groups have multiple facets. Writing groups exist to help people establish good writing habits, learn time management, and organization skills. The focus is on the writing process, not writing outcomes. There is no content review of writing in these groups, only time to focus on your own work, reflect on your goals, and move them forward. With continued participation, in one hour a week, faculty can build confidence in their writing process and build productivity over time. Writing groups are also good opportunities to build professional and interdisciplinary relationships, as the more folks show up to participate together, the more they share their goals and foci.

Writing Wednesdays will be ongoing during the 15-week semesters every year. In Fall 2024, CWSP will offer a cohort model writing group in addition to Writing Wednesdays to facilitate increased engagement and collaboration in groups that may have less resources to get writing done. 

If you are curious about writing groups, or you have a deadline that has been put off for too long, join us and achieve your writing goals!

Wednesdays at noon. Register here on REPORTER to receive the Zoom link.

11/1/23: OFE Conference Room (Clark Hall, 4th floor)
11/8/23: Hill Library Faculty Research Commons
11/15/23: Hunt Library Faculty Research Commons
11/29/23: Hill Library Faculty Research Commons
12/6/23: Hunt Library Faculty Research Commons

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