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OFE Newsletter

The best way to find out about upcoming OFE events (as well as other opportunities for NC State faculty), is via our newsletter. The newsletter is distributed via email on most Mondays. It features information about upcoming opportunities for NC State faculty from OFE as well as from our partners across campus. To subscribe, visit:

How can I get my unit’s programming and events featured in the OFE newsletter?

We are happy to share opportunities for NC State faculty from units all across campus. Announcements should:

  • Be professional development opportunities (broadly defined) for NC State faculty
  • Be 300 words or fewer (an ideal announcement is under 200)
  • Include either a hyperlink to follow or a person to contact for more information
  • Be emailed to Janet Del Pinal at least two weeks prior to the date you would like the announcement to run (the newsletter goes out on Mondays). OFE reserves the right to limit the overall length of each edition of the newsletter and to prioritize OFE programming. For this reason, we may move your desired announcement date earlier or later.

Due to demand for space, we may only able to announce any given event once. OFE staff may edit your announcement for length, format, grammar/spelling, or clarity.

Newsletter Archive