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Interdisciplinary Teaching Excellence Award

Nomination Deadline: 
April 9, 2025


The Interdisciplinary Teaching Excellence Award honors faculty members or faculty teams who demonstrate exceptional creativity, innovation, and effectiveness in integrating interdisciplinary approaches into their teaching at NC State University. Interdisciplinarity is defined as the integration of knowledge, expertise, and methodologies from multiple disciplines.


Applicants must be full-time faculty (0.75 FTE or greater) or teams of full-time faculty at NC State University, inclusive of tenure and professional-track faculty.  Teams may consist of faculty from different colleges or units. Applicants must clearly identify the institute, college, or division that serves as their primary point of affiliation. Each college is encouraged to support the nomination of at least one application.

Applicants must have implemented interdisciplinary teaching methods that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and enhance students’ understanding of complex real-world problems.

Successful applicants will be able to show evidence of interdisciplinary course or program design, impacts of interdisciplinary teaching on student learning outcomes, and evidence of student engagement and critical reflection.

Award and Recognition

At least one Interdisciplinary Teaching Excellence award will be presented per academic year.

The award recipient will be recognized at the 2025 Interdisciplinary Excellence Event on May 9, and will be publicized in NC State media. Applicants should reserve this date on their calendars. 

Regardless of award selection, nominees are invited to give a brief presentation on their interdisciplinary teaching focus at the conference. The number of presentations accepted will depend on the total number of applications received. 

Nomination and Submission Guidelines

Nomination Submission Deadline:
April 9, 2025

Nomination Package Submission
Required Documents
Please create PDF files for each document contained in the nomination package

  • Link to the course, project, or body of work website. If this is a Moodle course that requires login, please contact Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator, Sherry Bailey, at who will coordinate with DELTA to obtain anonymous login credentials for project reviewers.
  • Brief Description of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Practice or Course: This should include an overview of its history, structure, and organization, along with a timeline and procedures. Additionally, outline the student population(s) involved and the intended goals of the experience. Please limit this section to one to two pages.
  • Key Program Developers and Leaders: Provide short biographies for each applicant or team member, including titles, qualifications, roles in the program, relevant experiences, and any related publications or awards. Include information for no more than five key individuals, with a limit of one page per person.
  • Description of Course or Program Impacts: This document can include both qualitative and quantitative information, and/or examples of specific outputs. Maximum two pages.
  • Optional: You may submit up to two letters of support from peers or leaders within the college or the program’s primary affiliated division. Examples include a department head, dean or associate dean, center director, or equivalent. Each letter should be no more than one page, and multiple letters must be combined into a single PDF for submission.
  • Optional: You may submit up to two letters from former student program participants supporting the project’s nomination. Each letter should be no more than one page, and multiple letters must be combined into a single PDF for submission.
  • Required nominee information. Use this submission worksheet as a guide to prepare for online submission.

Nomination Package Submission Process

NOTE:  We encourage interested programs to consult their college or affiliated unit leadership for guidance on submitting applications, as some colleges may choose to conduct an internal review of nominations. At this time, there is no limit on the number of applications that may be submitted from any college or unit.

Administrative Advisory Committee

The Interdisciplinary Teaching Excellence Award Administrative Advisory Committee members include:

The Interdisciplinary Teaching Excellence Award Administrative Advisory Committee meeting is TBD.