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Outstanding Teacher Award

Nomination Deadline:
To Be Determined


The Outstanding Teacher Award recognizes excellence in teaching at all levels. Faculty must be recognized by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost as an Outstanding Teacher before they can be eligible to be nominated for the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award.

How are Faculty Nominated?

Nominations originate within a faculty’s department and the nomination process may vary slightly by department.  Departmental nominee(s) are forwarded to the college award committee for consideration.  After the college committee makes its selection(s), it will submit the nomination or nominations to the University Awards Coordinator by TBD.


Eligibility and Criteria

To be considered for the Outstanding Teacher Award, the faculty nominee must be:

  • full-time faculty (.75 FTE or greater)
  • faculty in the tenure track or the following professional tracks:
  • research
  • teaching
  • clinical
  • extension
  • practice
  • lecturer
  • field faculty

In addition, the faculty nominee must:

  • Have taught 15 student credit hours at NC State (excluding summer sessions)
  • Have not been an Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award recipient in the three academic years preceding the academic year of nomination
  • Be teaching during the academic year of nomination

Nomination Caps Per College 2023-2024

Agriculture and Life Sciences – 2
Design – 1
Education – 1
Engineering – 3
Natural Resources – 1
Humanities and Social Sciences – 2
Poole College of Management – 2
Sciences – 2
Textiles – 1
University College – 1
Veterinary Medicine – 1


Recognition and Award

Recipients of the Outstanding Teacher Award become members of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers and are recognized at the University Teaching Awards Luncheon and in NC State media.

Additional Recognition by the Alumni Association

The Provost’s Administrative Advisory Committee recommends a subset of Outstanding Teacher Award nominees for consideration by the NC State Alumni Association to be named Alumni Outstanding Teacher.  Upon confirmation, they will be recognized at an Alumni Association event and receive a cash award of $1,000.00.

The number of Alumni Outstanding Teacher recipients may vary depending upon funding availability from the Alumni Association.



A nomination may be resubmitted for the next award cycle even if the nominee has been previously selected as a recipient of this award. Renominations are not automatic. They must be resubmitted with updates that reflect the current year of nomination, confirmation of continued support from the writers of support letters, and any information regarding awards, accolades, projects, publications, or other activities completed after the submission of last year’s nominations.

Nomination Submission Deadline

Nomination Submission Deadline:
To Be Determined

Nomination Package Submission
Required Documents
Please create PDF files for each document contained in the nomination package

  1. *Completed Outstanding Teacher Nomination form
    Please make sure the form contains the current date and all appropriate signatures have been obtained.
  2. Current CV.  Limit 25 pages
  3. Brief statement articulating the nominee’s contributions to the teaching mission of the university and teaching philosophy.  Limit 2 pages.
  4. Samples of course materials (such as excerpts from syllabi, assignments, projects, exams, student portfolios, or other evidence of student learning outcome) or documentation of teaching-related activities such as leadership related to teaching and learning or continuing professional development (workshops, institutes, etc.). Limit 4-8 pages
  5. Class Evaluations
    • Select 2 from post-pandemic semester tabulations of student evaluation ratings as well as departmental average and range (if available) and student comments. Choose from spring 2022, fall 2022 and spring 2023.  Limit 3 pages
    • Optional submission:
      Select 2 from pandemic semesters: provide open-ended student comments.  Choose from spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021, fall 2021.  Limit 2 pages
  6. Summaries of two most current peer evaluations. Limit 4 pages
    **New in 2023-24 Student comments should be included only in the Class Evaluation documents.
  7. Letters of support from two peers. 1 page for each letter, submitted as one combined pdf.
  8. Letters of support from two students. 1 page for each letter, submitted as one combined pdf.

Please note:
Historically, in past award cycles, the Provost’s Administrative Advisory Committee has recognized that the most competitive nomination applications fully comply with the submission of all the required documents and that among those documents the following specifics should be adhered to:

  • Student course evaluations that include numerical ratings and a selection of student comments are also appreciated.  
  • Support letters from peers and students are most helpful to the committee when they contain specific examples of the nominee’s teaching practices or specific examples of the impact of the nominee’s teaching on his or her students, departmental colleagues, or disciplines.  
  • Teaching Mission Statements are most helpful to the committee when they describe the nominee’s values and approach regarding teaching and describe how the nominee reflects on and continuously improves her or his teaching practices.

Nomination Package Submission Process

  • Submit separate PDF files for each of the 8 nomination components listed above.
  • Submit all pdf files comprising each nomination package at the same time
  • Submit nominations by email attachment or upload to Google Drive to Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator, Sherry Bailey, at by due date.

NOTE: Each college determines its own deadline for submissions to its college-level review committee to allow time for review and submission to the university-level review committee.  Contact your college’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the college review committee schedule.


Administrative Advisory Committee

The Provost’s Administrative Advisory Committee (AAC) for the Outstanding Teacher Award reviews the nominations and makes its recommendations for award recipients to the Provost.

Administrative Advisory Committee Composition

  • The Chair of the Faculty or one faculty senator designee recommended by the Chair of the Faculty
  • The Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Division of Academic and Student Affairs or designee
  • Two recipients of the Outstanding Teacher Award
  • The Chair of the Standing Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching (EOT) or one member of the EOT recommended by the Chair
  • One undergraduate student from the Standing Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching recommended by the Chair
  • A representative from the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
  • A representative from the NC State Alumni Association
  • President of the Student Body or student government designee
  • President of the GSA or GSA designee

The Outstanding Teacher Award Administrative Advisory Committee meeting is TBD.