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Gertrude Cox Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology

Nomination Deadline:
To Be Determined


The Gertrude Cox Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology is a teaching award created to honor the creative pedagogy of NC State’s faculty and their work in integrating new technologies into effective teaching strategies. The award was first awarded in Fall 2002 and named for Gertrude Cox, the “First Lady of Statistics,” who came to NC State in 1940 to establish the university’s distinguished Department of Statistics.

Criteria and Eligibility

  • Nominees should be current full-time faculty or small groups of full-time faculty who have worked together on a single project at NC State University
  • Nominations should be based on a project developed or refined in the previous academic year or earlier that has produced demonstrable evidence of advances in student learning for at least one academic year

Selection is by peer-reviewed faculty process, and nominations will be considered based on:

  • Data-driven evidence of impact on student learning, student motivation and student creativity through relatively objective measures such as tests, changes in pass rates or success rates in subsequent courses, or other means, and through relatively subjective measures such as student letters or testimonials in which students explain how their learning was enhanced or improved.
  • Data-driven evidence of the impact of pedagogical innovation on campus and/or beyond campus through letters of support from faculty colleagues in one’s department and beyond campus, if appropriate.
  • Evidence of high-quality design, where applicable. This may include incorporation of multiple media elements, originality in design, clarity of connection to the target curriculum, depth and breadth of project content, accessibility, usability, and aesthetics.

Recognition and Award

One Gertrude Cox Award will be awarded per academic year.

The award recipient will be recognized at the University Teaching Awards Luncheon and will be publicized in NC State media.


A nomination may be resubmitted for the next award cycle even if the nominee has been previously selected as a recipient of this award. Renominations are not automatic. They must be resubmitted with updates that reflect the current year of nomination, confirmation of continued support from the writers of support letters, and any information regarding awards, accolades, projects, publications, or other activities completed after the submission of last year’s nominations.

Nomination and Submission Guidelines

Nomination Submission Deadline:
To Be Determined

Nominations for completed projects that provide demonstrable evidence of enhanced student learning for one academic year for the academic year 2023-2024 or earlier will be accepted.

Nomination Package Submission
Required Documents
Please create PDF files for each document contained in the nomination package

  • Completed Nomination Form. If applicable, include information for faculty who are co-nominees on the project
  • Each nominee is required to submit a current CV, limited to a maximum of 3 pages per nominee. CVs should be combined as one pdf for submission.
  • Statement of the project’s impact on student learning outcomes for at least one academic year. Limit 2 pages
  • Statement on how the technology is used to support the pedagogical approaches to the course. Limit 2 pages
  • Data-driven evidence of pedagogical innovation that advanced student learning, including objective and subjective student evidence as well as evidence from peers or external colleagues. Limit 3 pages
  • Link to the course, project, or body of work web. If this is a Moodle course that requires login, please contact Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator, Sherry Bailey, at who will coordinate with DELTA to obtain anonymous login credentials for project reviewers)
  • Two letters from students supporting the project’s nomination and stating how the use of technology in the course improved or enhanced their learning. 1 page for each letter, submitted as one combined pdf.
  • Letter from an NC State faculty member supporting the project’s nomination and describing her/his assessment of its pedagogical impact. Limit one page

Nomination Package Submission Process

  • Submit separate PDF files for the nomination components listed above.
  • Include links to open source sites or Moodle sites.
  • Please submit all PDF files comprising each submission package at the same time.
  • Submit nominations by email attachment to Internal Faculty Awards Coordinator, Sherry Bailey, at by due date.

NOTE: Each college determines its own deadline for submissions to its college-level review committee to allow time for review and submission to the university-level review committee.  Contact your college’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the college review committee schedule.

Administrative Advisory Committee

  • The Chair of the Faculty or one faculty senator designee
  • One representative of Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) who has faculty status
  • Two previous faculty recipients of the Gertrude Cox Award
  • The Chair of the Standing Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching (EOT) or one EOT designee
  • One student representative of the EOT
  • The President of the Graduation Student Association (GSA) or one GSA designee.  Student members should have a background that reflects an aptitude for educational technology.
  • The President of the Student Body or one student government designee. Student members should have a background that reflects an aptitude for educational technology
  • A representative from the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.

The Gertrude Cox Award Administrative Advisory Committee meeting is TBD