TH!NK QEP History, Links, and Documents
In 2013, SACS approved the North Carolina State University quality enhancement plan (QEP) entitled “TH!NK: Higher-order Skills in Critical and Creative Thinking”. The plan outlined a campus-wide initiative designed to develop faculty members’ abilities in cultivating students’ higher order skills in critical and creative thinking and self-reflection. Approximately 130 faculty members, representing every undergraduate-serving college on campus, participated in the training and implemented changes to their courses. Over 11,000 students were directly impacted in TH!NK courses between 2014 and 2019. The number of students indirectly impacted is likely much greater as the vast majority of TH!NK Faculty indicated that they made changes to all of their courses after training, not just their designated TH!NK courses. The ultimate goal of the effort was an institutional transformation in the way that teaching is approached across campus. The RED TH!NK Certificate Program through the OFE is the continued institutional integration of this effort.