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OFD Newsletter: March 19, 2020

Online Asynchronous Workshop on Academic Continuity Planning

Do you still need assistance creating or updating your Academic Continuity Plans? Register for the Online Asynchronous Workshop, “Keep Teaching: Creating an Academic Continuity Plan for Campus Emergencies.” This self-paced module will introduce how to construct a basic continuity plan for your course.

You can also view a recording of a past synchronous version of the workshop [53 mins] that includes an integrated transcript.

Join the Faculty Peer Support Network

Can you offer some support to your peers who are transitioning their course online? We’re looking for faculty who might be willing and able to help other faculty with immediate needs related to developing continuity plans and moving instruction online.

If you’d like to be part of the newly created Faculty Peer Support Network, please complete a few questions, here.

Would you share a copy of your continuity plans? We’re looking for a wide variety of example continuity plans from all colleges, departments, class sizes, and undergraduate and graduate courses.

Please fill out the survey link above to upload your plans for inclusion in the index of sample plans, located here.

Getting Your Course Online Quickly

When circumstances warrant, it can be important to get your course content online quickly and communicate that effectively to your students. This workshop guides you through getting your course online in our Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle, including creating a course, adding resources, and using the Announcements forum.

This workshop also demonstrates how to create online class meetings in Zoom, so you can present content simultaneously to all of your students. These two tools, Moodle & Zoom, can help you keep teaching while on-campus meetings are not possible.

Register here

NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challange

Registration is open through 3:00 p.m. TODAY, March 19, for the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity’s next 14-Day Writing Challenge (March 23 – April 5, 2020). The 14-Day Challenge is a way to maintain productivity and be part of a supportive community during this unprecedented time.

It’s very simple:

  1. You commit to write every day for at least 30 minutes.
  2. At the beginning of your writing time, you login to our online community, start the timer, complete your writing, and post your progress at the end.
  3. You take 5 minutes to support other writers in your group by commenting on their progress.

Through NC State University’s institutional membership, all graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty have access to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), which provides professional development, training, and mentoring.

If you have not yet signed up for your FREE institutional sub-account, visit the OFD website for instructions.