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OFD Newsletter: Week of February 10, 2020

Spring Break Faculty Writing Retreat

Do you struggle to keep writing projects moving during the busy semester? The Office of Faculty Development has partnered with NC State University Libraries to offer Faculty Writing Retreats for tenure and non-tenure track faculty.

Our next retreat will be held during Spring Break: Monday, March 9, and Tuesday, March 10, in the Faculty Research Commons spaces at James B. Hunt Jr. Library (Centennial Campus). Sign up now to find uninterrupted time to write your article, grant proposal, book chapter, or dossier materials. Coffee/tea/water and a light breakfast will be provided.

Registration is for the full-day event (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.), but please feel free to come and go as needed — join us all day, just in the morning, just in the afternoon, or even just for an hour or two! Our Faculty Writing Retreats feature drop-in consultations with librarians from NC State University Libraries. Librarians will be available in the Faculty Commons to consult on various subjects related to faculty writing.

You must register for the Writing Retreat to take advantage of this opportunity!

Register here

Second Session Added: Career Mapping Workshop with Dr. Katharine Stewart

  • Career Mapping: A Tool to Help You Set Goals and Design a Development Plan
  • Monday, March 30, 2020
  • 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • Clark Hall, Room 405

Register here

By popular demand, we are offering of this workshop a second time. Career mapping is a structured process that helps professionals identify their career goals and develop a plan for getting the mentorship and professional development they need to achieve those goals. Dr. Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, has refined a career mapping process specifically for faculty, and has used this process with hundreds of graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and faculty at all stages of their careers (from first year through planning for senior administrative roles or research leadership). In this workshop, Dr. Stewart will help you get started in building your own career map and identifying the components of a professional development and mentorship network that will be most helpful to you in the next few years.

Open Pedagogy Incubator

NC State University Libraries is piloting an Open Pedagogy Incubator designed to help instructors modify an assignment, their course design, or course materials to align with open educational resources and practices. Broadly speaking, we will select a cohort of participants, provide up to $1000 to support project development, and offer a series of workshops on various topics, skills, or tools.

Three of the workshops will be “essential” and several will be “electives.” Importantly, all of the workshops offered are open to any faculty participant and they don’t have to be a part of the cohort to attend.

Cohort participants need an idea for an assignment they’re willing to make open, and throughout the workshop series we will offer guidance on project management, technical tools, and opportunities to collaborate with partners across campus. If you’re interested, we’d love to invite you to apply by March 15.

The incubator series dates will be based on the availability of the cohort participants, but will likely be mid-late spring semester and early summer, aiming for fall implementation of projects. If it’s not a great fit for you, we would also really appreciate any recommendations for other folks.

As an aside, even if you’re not able to commit to the incubator workshop series, the Open Pedagogy grants and Alt-Textbook grants are available year-round.