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OFD Newsletter: December 7, 2020

Virtual Meet-up for Faculty – New Collaboration in Colombia

The Office of Global Engagement is hosting a virtual meet-up for research and instructional faculty to meet new colleagues in another country – and NC State faculty from all departments/disciplines are invited to join.

If you are thinking about a way to explore possible options for research collaboration, teaching/instructional collaboration, student recruitment, grant/publishing opportunities, visiting scholars, student mobility programs, or other ways to engage globally – consider joining the 200 faculty who have already signed up for this Wednesday’s International Faculty Meet-up with NC State’s partners in Colombia.

There is no cost or obligation – and you can hop between different break-out rooms that each focus on a different cluster or area – so you will be talking only with colleagues in your own interest or discipline. It is easy to register and upload a brief profile – and you can check out who all is participating before you register

Date/Time: Wednesday, December 9, from 3:00-4:30 p.m. (Join when you can, leave when you must)

To View/Register/Upload your Profile:
Log-on Instructions and Break Out Room descriptions will be distributed to all registrants on Tuesday, December 8.

Equity for Women Awards – Call for Nominations is Open

Nominations for the 2021 Equity for Women Awards will close on January 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. We encourage you to consider nominating a faculty, staff or student who has been committed to the advocacy of gender equity in everyday life at NC State.

Please nominate worthy candidates by completing the 2021 Equity for Women Award Nomination Form.

Nominees should demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas over the past 12 months:

  • Leadership: Taking action to promote gender equity on and beyond campus through leadership roles
  • Service: Supporting equity for women through job-related or voluntary roles
  • Scholarship: Contributing new knowledge and/or informing policy and practice related to women’s well-being and equity

Criteria for rating nominations will be based on the nominee’s activities, as well as the impact of their efforts. Successful nominations will address the following questions in 500 words or less each:

  • Describe your nominee’s activities over the past 12 months with regard to leadership, service and/or scholarship. Make sure to touch on all applicable categories in your response.
  • Describe the impact or potential impact of your nominee’s activities on advancing women’s equity issues on the NC State Community.

Please note: Current members of the Council of the Status of Women are not eligible for the award and should not be nominated. Please check the current roster if you aren’t sure who is on the council.

If you have any questions please email

Student Mental Health Resources for Faculty: A Guide for Helping Students in Distress

The disruption and uncertainty caused by the pandemic is affecting students’ mental health. From amped-up stress levels to ever increasing rates of anxiety and depression, students’ day-to-day wellbeing and academic success are under threat.

As a faculty member, you are often on the front lines for identifying students who may be struggling or whose behavior raises concern about their well-being. You can make a difference in the life of a student by connecting them to support services early, while recognizing your limits and protecting your time and energy.

If you’re not sure where to begin or fear that you’ll be “out of your wheelhouse,” here are some suggestions to help guide you in efforts to help students.

2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium Proposals due Next Week! (December 16)

The Office of Faculty Development’s annual Teaching and Learning Symposium will be held on Friday, February 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register now to attend! During this virtual event, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in roundtable discussions led by NC State faculty, watch a keynote lecture, and meet and talk with NC State peers who are interested in teaching and learning.

The Teaching and Learning Symposium is free of charge, and you will receive instructions for joining the Zoom event via email after completing your registration.

Proposals are being accepted for virtual roundtable discussion and posters until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 — please see the full call for proposals for details.

Our 2021 keynote lecture, Increase Faculty Success by Increasing Student Resilience: Metacognition is the Key!, will be delivered by Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire. Faculty and student success in a new teaching and learning environment requires implementing new strategies. When we teach students new strategies that cause them to experience rapid, extensive academic improvement, they become more engaged in the learning process, demonstrating increased resilience and making faculty more successful.

For complete schedule of events, please visit our website.

Register to attend the Teaching and Learning Symposium

|RED| Core Teaching Certification and Inclusive Teaching Certification Applications Due December 15

Applications for the Spring 2021 online cohorts of the Core Teaching Certification |CTC| and the Inclusive Teaching Certification |ITC| are due December 15.

For more information about the CTC, please visit To apply for the CTC, visit

For more information about the ITC, please visit To apply to the ITC, fill out the application form.

Upcoming Events

Monday, December 7

Tuesday, December 15

Wednesday, December 16