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OFD Newsletter: July 6, 2020

Faculty Conversation Series: Finding Motivation and Inspiration and Avoiding Burnout

Our new Faculty Conversation Series begins this Wednesday (July 8, 2020, 11:30 a.m.) with Finding Motivation and Inspiration and Avoiding Burnout. What motivates you as an instructor to keep going? How do you find inspiration?

How do you re-energize to avoid burnout and build in wellness as we start the new academic year? We need to recharge our batteries. We will all need it going forward, so let’s plan for it.

The conversation will be facilitated by Dr. Maria Gallardo Williams, OFD SoTL Faculty Fellow, with Jennifer Stanigar, Program Evaluation Specialist, Office of Faculty Development.

Register for a Faculty Conversation

Faculty Discussion of Academic Continuity: Developing a Plan in Uncertain Times

In the first Keep Teaching webinar and the Online Asynchronous Workshop, faculty were guided through constructing a basic continuity plan for their courses. The data gathered during and after these offerings suggested that there are four areas of discussion around developing and implementing academic continuity plans:

  1. Best Practices for Student and Instructor Success
  2. Student Assessment and Academic Integrity
  3. Course Design and Content, Instructional Technology
  4. Instructional Strategies for Remote Learning

To support faculty and teaching graduate students in these areas, OFD will cohost two webinars via Zoom (July 16, 10-11:30 am and July 23, 1-2:30 pm) and an online, asynchronous workshop in Moodle.

During these events, we will focus on refining and (re)designing academic continuity plans through whole-group and small breakout-group discussions facilitated by staff from DELTA, NC State University Libraries, and OFD. Join us virtually with your questions and ideas to share with colleagues in the discussion.

Register here

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, July 8

Friday, July 10

Monday, July 13

Wednesday, July 15

Thursday, July 16