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OFD Newsletter: June 15, 2020

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Webinars

Through NC State University’s institutional membership, all graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty have access to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), which provides professional development, training, and mentoring. The NCFDD is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community of over 71,000 graduate students, post-docs, and faculty members.

NCFDD resources are broadly applicable across academic disciplines and include a range of topics such as time management, overcoming academic perfectionism, how to develop a daily writing plan, how to write grant proposals, and more. These resources offer concrete guidance that could increase your productivity and your sense of well-being.

Upcoming NCFDD live webinars include:

Our institutional membership also includes access to a large number of past webinar recordings in the NCFDD Library.

If you have not yet signed up for your FREE institutional sub-account, visit the OFD website for instructions.

OFD Office Hours

Are you contemplating:

  • How to create more authentic assessments?;
  • How to align your objectives with your assessments?;
  • How to create group assignments and assessments?; or
  • How to make time for yourself?

If you have any questions about remote instruction or other faculty work and are looking to chat, we invite you to schedule an OFD Office hour.

Dr. Diane Chapman, OFD Executive Director will be available for OFD Office hours using this link: Dr. Chapman has over 20 years of online teaching experience and is an expert in instructional design and evaluation. Come with your questions and concerns about remote teaching, course design, assessment or any topic related to your faculty work. If you want to talk, but don’t have a specific need or if you just want a sounding board, that’s fine too. Meeting options are available for 15-minute, 30-minute, or 1-hour increments.

We want to make the expertise in the Office of Faculty Development even more accessible to all faculty, and while we may not have all the answers, we can get you pointed in a direction to get your questions addressed.

Upcoming Events

Friday, June 19

Monday, June 22