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OFD Newsletter: May 26, 2020

Fulbright Informational Session: Recording Available

Did you miss the Office of Faculty Affairs’ Spring Fulbright Informational Session on May 14? The recording is now available for viewing here. In this session, Fulbright Outreach and Recruitment Specialist Michelle Bolourchi provided an overview of current Fulbright programming, answered questions, and offered suggestions for applicants.

Interested in teaching or conducting research abroad? Consider a Fulbright Fellowship.

Fulbright funds over 2,000 awards annually in more than 140 countries. As a Fulbright Scholar you can expand your network, foster lasting relationships, serve as an ambassador for international exchange, and gain valuable experience working and teaching abroad. Fulbright is family-friendly and flexible; Fellowships range anywhere from two weeks, in the case of Fulbright Specialists, to a year for Fulbright scholars.

For more information, please contact Director of External Faculty Awards and Recognition, Maria Almanza (

OFD Office Hours

Are you contemplating:

  • How to create more authentic assessments?;
  • How to align your objectives with your assessments?;
  • How to create group assignments and assessments?; or
  • How to make time for yourself?

If you have any questions about remote instruction or other faculty work and are looking to chat, we invite you to schedule an OFD Office hour.

Dr. Diane Chapman, OFD Executive Director will be available for OFD Office hours using this link: Dr. Chapman has over 20 years of online teaching experience and is an expert in instructional and evaluation.

Come with your questions and concerns about remote teaching, course design, assessment or any topic related to your faculty work. If you want to talk, but don’t have a specific need or if you just want a sounding board, that’s fine too. Meeting options are available for 15-minute, 30-minute, or 1-hour increments.

We want to make the expertise in the Office of Faculty Development even more accessible to all faculty, and while we may not have all the answers, we can get you pointed in a direction to get your questions addressed.

Mindful Mondays Continue for the Summer

As we continue to face uncertainty as a result of the global pandemic, we are being asked to adapt in ways few could have anticipated. Recent reports warn of a growing mental health crisis due to the elevated rates of fear, anxiety, and depression that people are experiencing. Now more than ever, we can learn ways to manage stress, boost well-being and model flexibility and resilience to those around us.

There is considerable evidence that the practice of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques builds resilience by training our attention and awareness on the present moment while acknowledging any thoughts, feelings, or sensations we are having. Mindfulness is a path to cultivate a calm, focused mind and offset the negative mental and physiological effects of stress, anxiety and fear. An added benefit of mindfulness practice is the opportunity to offer kindness, empathy and compassion to ourselves and others.

Over the summer, let’s start the week mindfully. Join fellow NC State faculty and staff every Monday at 9:00 a.m. Each 30 minute session includes some stretching, breathing, a guided meditation followed by time for sharing and questions, as well as tips for incorporating mindfulness into daily life.

This program is suitable for all levels and open to NC State faculty and staff. No special equipment or training is needed. You must be an authenticated user to join the Zoom session link.

Sessions are led by OFD Program Evaluation Specialist Dr. Jennifer Stanigar, Dr. Stanigar is a Kripalu certified yoga teacher who has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation classes for over 20 years.

Register here

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