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Mindful Mondays | Faculty Peer Support Network

As the NC State community moves forward together during the COVID-19 crisis, here are two new programs to support our faculty:

Mindful Mondays

  • Mondays (9:00 a.m. and again at 12:00 p.m.)
  • Beginning March 30

Register here

In these times of uncertainty, fear and anxiety are on the rise. We are all adjusting in ways few could have anticipated. The practice of mindfulness – the capacity to be fully present in the moment – is a way to cultivate a calm, focused mind and to offset the negative effects of stress and avoid burnout.

Taking care of our own well-being through practices of self-inquiry and self-reflection benefits ourselves and those around us. Mindfulness offers a way to care for one another and our students through kindness, empathy and compassion.
Start your week with the intention to practice mindfulness during this period of social/physical distancing and isolation.

Join us every Monday to practice movement, breathe, meditate and simply be in community with fellow NC State faculty and staff.

Sessions are held in Zoom every Monday for 30 minutes at 9:00 a.m. and repeated at 12:00 p.m.. Each session includes a few stretches, some breathing, and a 15 minute guided meditation followed by time for sharing and questions, as well as tips for incorporating mindfulness into daily life.

This program is suitable for all levels and open to NC State faculty and staff. No special equipment or training is needed.

Sessions are led by OFD Program Evaluation Specialist Dr. Jennifer Stanigar. Dr. Stanigar is a Kripalu certified yoga teacher who has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation classes for over 20 years.

Register here

Faculty Peer Support Network

The newly created Faculty Peer Support Network is a group of NC State faculty willing and able to help other faculty with immediate needs related to developing continuity plans and moving instruction online.

If you would like to find a fellow faculty member who can support you, please see a list of these faculty, their areas of support, and their contact information on this Google Sheet.

Find a Faculty Member

If you would like to add your name to list of faculty who are willing to be contacted, please complete a few questions at