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OFD Newsletter: March 30, 2020

Faculty Forum: A new blog from OFD

In an effort to conversation going during these challenging times, the Office of Faculty Development has launched Faculty Forum, our new blog. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we’ll post advice, tips, and tricks on a wide range of issues related to continuing your faculty work.

In our first post, OFD Executive Director Dr. Diane Chapman discusses ways to collect ideas without attribution or judgement in your class.

If there are topics you wish to see covered (or topics you wish to write about), let us know.

Applications Due April 10: |RED| Inclusive Teaching Certification

Faculty, postdocs, and teaching graduate students are invited to apply for the Spring 2020 online cohort of the Inclusive Teaching Certification |ITC|. This comprehensive, asynchronous Certification is a collaborative professional development project among NC State University’s Disability Services, DELTA, experienced faculty, GLBT Center, Graduate School, Office of Faculty Development, Office of Global Engagement, Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity (OIED), and Office of Information Technology.

Accepted participants will:

  • Consider multiple facets of inclusive teaching, encompassing the creation of a welcoming, equitable course climate, the design and implementation of accessible and inclusive classroom practices and assessments, and the selection and implementation of inclusive, diverse course content;
  • Engage with key concepts in inclusive teaching and learn from various stakeholders on our campus and other institutions of higher education who share their important research on student development, Universal Design for Learning, intercultural competence, and intrapersonal awareness; and
  • Develop the resources for applying inclusive course pedagogical practices that support all learners.

Participants complete foundational activities, one elected learning module, and learning reflections in each five core competencies:

ITC Competencies

For more information, please visit

Apply here

Virtual Conference Opportunity: Faculty Women of Color in the Academy

The 8th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference (April 18-19, 2020) will now be held virtually, and registration remains open until April 10. The conference is a unique educational and professional opportunity for indigenous and women of color in higher education to network, engage, and learn with colleagues from around the country. Conference sessions explore topics of leadership, career advancement, personal well-being and scholar activism. See more information at their website.