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OFD Newsletter: February 15, 2021

The Award Ready Series

Faculty awards are beneficial at all stages of your career, increasing visibility for your work and providing deserving recognition for your achievements. “The Award Ready Series” is aimed at all faculty, who are interested in applying to external awards now or in the future. The series features four webinars focused on key areas of awards and will be led by the Director of External Faculty Awards and Recognition, Dr. Maria Almanza. Please register for each webinar that is relevant to you.

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Part 1: Applying for Early Career Awards – March 5, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
This webinar is aimed at offering advice and best practices for early career faculty, who are interested in applying for external awards. Discussion will include: identifying awards that are a good fit, considering when to apply, and setting award goals. This webinar will also provide a broad overview of best practices for application materials.

To register for this webinar, please use the REPORTER registration link.

Part 2: Writing Strong Letters of Support – March 26, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Whether you are writing a nomination letter, serving as a referee, or seeking out letters of reference, this webinar is for you. We will discuss best practices for letter writing, including: how to best support claims, strategies for letter organization, as well as the “do’s” and “don’ts” of letter writing.

To register for this webinar, please use the REPORTER registration link.

Part 3: Preparing Your CV for Award Applications – April 23, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
This webinar will help participants polish their CV so that they can best represent themselves when applying to awards. Discussion will include: how to tailor your CV to specific awards, organization, design, and how to highlight one’s accomplishments for a selection committee.

To register for this webinar, please use the REPORTER registration link.

Part 4: Application Tips and Best Practices – May 27, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
The culmination of the “Award Ready Series”, this webinar will provide an overview of best practices when approaching the awards process and application materials. Topics discussed will include: choosing referees and soliciting reference letters, tailoring materials, and advice on planning ahead. This webinar is geared towards faculty, who were unable to attend earlier webinars during the Spring semester. Content will be derived from earlier sessions.

To register for this webinar, please use the REPORTER registration link.

Writing Wednesdays: Virtual Faculty Writing Retreats

Do you have a writing task that you’ve been putting off? The Office of Faculty Development offers virtual writing retreats, Writing Wednesdays, designed to support you in getting it done!

Until we return to in-person meetings on campus, the OFD team has designed synchronous 2.5-hour mini-retreats using the Pomodoro method. Our upcoming sessions are scheduled via Zoom on March 3 and April 7.

During these sessions, faculty participants will:

  • Work toward a specific writing task in a structured and supportive environment;
  • Be able to access resources from campus experts such as the Libraries, and the IRB office; and
  • Discover tips for preparing for the retreat and getting your writing done.

Special bonus for Writing Wednesdays: we have pre-recorded child edutainment provided by Arts NC State for your Wolfpack pups ages 3 to 12 years.

Register today and plan to dedicate uninterrupted time to writing your article, grant proposal, book chapter, or dossier materials.

2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium: Registration Still Open!

There is still time to register to attend the Office of Faculty Development’s annual Teaching and Learning Symposium will be held on Friday, February 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register now to attend! During this virtual event, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in roundtable discussions led by NC State faculty, watch a keynote lecture, and meet and talk with NC State peers who are interested in teaching and learning.

The Teaching and Learning Symposium is free of charge, and you will receive instructions for joining the Zoom event via email after completing your registration.
Saundra McGuireOur 2021 keynote lecture, Increase Faculty Success by Increasing Student Resilience: Metacognition is the Key!, will be delivered by Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire. Faculty and student success in a new teaching and learning environment requires implementing new strategies. When we teach students new strategies that cause them to experience rapid, extensive academic improvement, they become more engaged in the learning process, demonstrating increased resilience and making faculty more successful.

Dr. McGuire is the Director Emerita of the Center for Academic Success and retired Assistant Vice Chancellor and Professor of Chemistry at Louisiana State University. She has delivered keynote addresses or presented workshops on effective learning strategies at over 400 institutions in 47 states eleven countries. Prior to joining LSU, she spent eleven years at Cornell University, where she received the coveted Clark Distinguished Teaching Award. Her best-selling book, Teach Students How to Learn, was published by Stylus in 2015. The student version, Teach Yourself How to Learn, was released in January 2018.
For complete schedule of events, please visit our website.

Register to attend the Teaching and Learning Symposium

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 19

Monday, February 22

Friday, February 26