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OFE Newsletter: May 2, 2022

Global Leadership: What’s in It for Faculty and Why Bother?

Thursday, May 26, 10:00-11:00 a.m., via Zoom
Presented by Dr. Natalia Timuș (Fulbright-Schuman Scholar, NC State Office for Faculty Excellence; Head of Academic Development, Center for Active Pedagogy, University Côte d’Azur, France)

Higher education faculty, staff and students are confronted with an increasing need to develop global leadership skills. These skills are crucial for the 21st century teaching and learning in order to address the complex global challenges and equip the students with intercultural and global competence. Moreover, the COVID-19 context has stressed the importance of leveraging international collaborations in order to provide a global perspective to formal and informal curricula beyond study abroad mobilities.

This webinar will address the above issues by providing a scientific and practitioner’s perspective on global leadership skills for faculty. Drawing on personal experience, Dr. Timuș, a global leader and a Fulbright-Schuman scholar at the Office for Faculty Excellence, will share research results from her current project on “Inclusive Global Teachers for the 21st Century” and some practice-based insights. A special attention will be devoted to harnessing international collaboration opportunities to promote global learning for all and how to leverage collaborative and agile approaches for propelling new initiatives forward within higher education.

OFE Faculty Fellows (Applications Due May 2)

The Office for Faculty Excellence continues to accept applications for two faculty fellows to join us for 2022-2023: a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Faculty Fellow and a Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) Faculty Fellow. Applications for both positions close at 5:00 p.m. on May 2. Learn more about these opportunities on our website.

Fostering Belonging in STEM Classrooms with Open Pedagogy

Today on Faculty Forum, Dr. Carly Sjogren, Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar in the Biotechnology Program, looks at how educators can reinvigorate the classroom with the joy and curiosity of using the scientific method in a way that authentically values and integrates our students’ identities. For many college students, belonging in science is beyond their lived experiences and looks intimidating and uncomfortable. In this post, Dr. Sjogren discusses her experiences in co-teaching a course that is grounded in Open Pedagogy and shares five aspects of the course and specific examples you can adopt in your courses.