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OFE Newsletter: August 16, 2021

|RED| Applications Due This Friday: Core Teaching Certification and Inclusive Teaching Certification

Applications for the Fall 2021 online cohorts of the Core Teaching Certification |CTC| and Inclusive Teaching Certification |ITC| are being accepted through August 20.

To learn more about the Core Teaching Certification and apply, please visit

To learn more about the Inclusive Teaching Certification and apply, please visit

Faculty Conversation Series

Zoom stock imageThe Office for Faculty Excellence’s popular Faculty Conversation Series continues this semester. This series is designed to engage faculty in conversation around relevant topics that will be helpful as they teach. For each session, faculty will read a relevant article/paper about the topic (optional), receive question prompts, engage in conversation around the topic with other faculty members, and reflect on how the conversation may have changed thinking on the topic.

Register now for this semesters sessions. All conversations will be facilitated by Dr. Maria Gallardo Williams, OFE SoTL Faculty Fellow:

  • Beyond Student Engagement: Persistence and Success Online and in Person (Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 11:30-12:30 p.m. via Zoom): Are you looking for strategies to motivate students to maintain attention in your online or in-person classes? Do you wish they were more engaged? Do you want to help them persist but are unsure how to forge a connection with them? Let’s chat and discuss proven strategies.
  • The Adaptive Instructor and the New World of Teaching (Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 11:30-12:30 p.m. via Zoom): This past year many of us made massive adaptations in our fall courses. If you are feeling close to your adaptive capacity, take a deep breath and chat with us about some practical tips and resources to help you keep up in our current environment.
  • How to Create an Inclusive Classroom (Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 11:30-12:30 p.m. via Zoom): Some practical considerations to help you become a more inclusive educator. Tips to redesign your courses to be inclusive and accessible for all students.

Register for any or all conversations via REPORTER.

Keep Teaching: Creating an Academic Continuity Plan

Academic continuity plans are essential for the seamless continuation of instruction during crisis scenarios involving a significant disruption in instruction. This workshop is designed for faculty who want guidance in constructing a basic continuity plan for their course.

Advisor Development Institute Sessions on Student Success

The Advisor Development Institute is excited to announce the following sessions focused on resources important to student success at NC State. All sessions will be offered on Zoom and will be recorded. To register for any session, click on the name and you will be taken to Reporter.

Working with Students of Concern at NC State
Wednesday, August 25, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

This presentation includes information about reporting procedures, when to report concerns and what happens after a concern is submitted.

The Academic Success Center
Thursday, August 26, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

This session will focus on the various free offerings and resources that the ASC provides for students, including tutoring, academic peer mentoring, writing consultations, and drop-in services for career counseling, academic advising, and wellness coaching.

Pack Essentials
Monday, August 30, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
The Pack Essentials initiative helps support students in need of food, housing, financial, and educational security and works to create a campus climate free of barriers to student success.

The Counseling Center
Friday, September 10, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
This session will focus on available services, as well as effective ways to refer students.

Upcoming Events for Faculty

Friday, August 20

Monday, August 23