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OFD Newsletter: June 1, 2021

Mindful Mondays

Never miss a Monday! This summer, join a community of NC State faculty and staff every Monday at 9:00 AM for drop-in mindfulness sessions. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment with non-judgment, non-reactivity, curiosity and compassion. Set the tone for your week and experience the benefits of a calm, focused mind while reducing stress and anxiety.
soothing decorative image
Session Objectives:

  • Practice gentle stretching and breathing techniques
  • Experience a guided mindfulness meditation
  • Learn tips for incorporating mindfulness into your week
  • Connect to wellness resources that support holistic well-being

Research suggests that practicing mindfulness has numerous physical, psychological, and social benefits, such as reduced stress, better quality sleep, enhanced cognition, improved focus, increased positive emotions, enhanced relationships, stronger immune system and improved overall health and well-being.

Now more than ever, we can benefit from learning ways to manage stress, boost well-being and model flexibility and resilience to those around us.

This program is suitable for all levels. You must be an authenticated user to join the Zoom session link. Sessions are led by Dr. Jennifer Stanigar, a certified yoga teacher who has led yoga and meditation classes for over 20 years.

Sign Up Here

Fulbright U.S. Scholars Program

Want to know more about the Fulbright U.S. Scholars Program? Please consider joining one of the following live webinars in June:

Note: Any times listed for webinars or other live resource events are in U.S. Eastern Daylight time

Additional Fulbright Resources:

  • Access the 2021-22 Catalog of Awards
  • Register for a Fulbright Webinar (upcoming and archived)
  • Have a question about a particular award or region? Join a Fulbright Office Hour with a Program Specialist
  • Have a colleague who you think would benefit from Fulbright? Refer a colleague and IEE Staff will contact them to set up an advising session and explore Fulbright possibilities.
  • Find Fulbright Scholar Alumni via the Fulbright Scholar Directory
  • Join My Fulbright and you will be notified about Fulbright’s latest programming and webinar schedules, as well as receive access to helpful resources.
  • Sign up for a Fulbright Friday office hour with Director of External Faculty Awards and Recognition, Maria Almanza.

Writing Wednesdays: Virtual Faculty Writing Retreats

Do you have a writing task that you’ve been putting off? The Office of Faculty Development offers virtual writing retreats, Writing Wednesdays, designed to support you in getting it done! The OFD team has designed synchronous 2.5-hour mini-retreats using the Pomodoro method, held on the first Wednesday of every month via Zoom.

Our next session will be held on Wednesday, June 2.

During these sessions, faculty participants will:

  • Work toward a specific writing task in a structured and supportive environment;
  • Be able to access resources from campus experts such as the Libraries, and the IRB office; and
  • Discover tips for preparing for the retreat and getting your writing done.

Special bonus for Writing Wednesdays: we have pre-recorded child edutainment provided by Arts NC State for your Wolfpack pups ages 3 to 12 years.

Register today and plan to dedicate uninterrupted time to writing your article, grant proposal, book chapter, or dossier materials.

Upcoming Events for Faculty

Wednesday, June 2

Thursday, June 3

Friday, June 4

Monday, June 7