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OFD Newsletter: December 14, 2020

2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium Proposals Due Wednesday! (December 16)

The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) invites NC State faculty and professional staff to submit virtual roundtable discussion and poster proposals for the 2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium, which will be held virtually via Zoom.

Register here

Proposals can deal with a wide variety of topics, including teaching with technology, innovative pedagogical techniques, creativity in teaching and learning, SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning)/DBER (Discipline-based Educational Research), faculty innovations in teaching, inclusive teaching, faculty resilience, creating community and well-being, and trauma-informed teaching.

Proposals are being accepted for virtual roundtable discussion and posters until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 — please see the full call for proposals for details.

|RED| Core Teaching Certification and Inclusive Teaching Certification Applications Due Tomorrow, December 15

Applications for the Spring 2021 online cohorts of the Core Teaching Certification |CTC| and the Inclusive Teaching Certification |ITC| are due December 15.

For more information about the CTC, please visit To apply for the CTC, visit

For more information about the ITC, please visit To apply to the ITC, fill out the application form.

Mindful Mondays Continue for Spring

Never miss a Monday! Start your week enjoying the benefits of mindfulness – calm focus, greater clarity, and positive energy! Join a community of NC State faculty and staff who are learning and practicing mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques together, in Zoom, every Monday at 9:00 AM.

Session Objectives:

  • Practice gentle stretching and breathing techniques
  • Experience a guided mindfulness meditation
  • Learn tips for incorporating mindfulness into your week
  • Connect to wellness resources that support holistic well-being

As we continue to adapt our lives in ways we never anticipated due to the pandemic, many of us are feeling heightened stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Now more than ever, we can benefit from learning ways to manage stress, boost well-being and model flexibility and resilience to those around us.

There is considerable evidence that the practice of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques builds resilience by training our attention and awareness on the present moment while acknowledging any thoughts, feelings, or sensations we are having.

Mindfulness is a path to cultivate a calm, focused mind and offset the negative mental and physiological effects of stress, anxiety and fear. An added benefit of mindfulness practice is the opportunity to offer kindness, empathy and compassion to ourselves and others.

This program is suitable for all levels and open to NC State faculty and staff. No special equipment or training is needed. You must be an authenticated user to join the Zoom session link.

Sessions are led by OFD Program Evaluation Specialist and NC State Employee Wellness Champion, Dr. Jennifer Stanigar. Dr. Stanigar is a certified yoga teacher who has led yoga and meditation classes for over 20 years.

Register here

NC State Captioning Grant

NC State has established a Captioning Grant to assist faculty in creating captions for videos.

The grant provides funding for captioning video when:

  • A student with a disability requiring this accommodation registers in a course using video; or
  • An instructor wants to proactively create captions for a video.

To apply for the grant, faculty should complete the Captioning Grant Application Form.
Please contact if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, December 15

Wednesday, December 16