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OFD Newsletter: June 29, 2020

Dr. Maria Gallardo-Williams Named SoTL Faculty Fellow in the Office of Faculty Development

Maria Gallardo-WilliamsThe Office of Faculty Development (OFD) is pleased to announce that Dr. Maria Gallardo-Williams, a Teaching Professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been appointed as OFD Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Faculty Fellow.

In this position Dr. Gallardo-Williams will dedicate 50% of her time to raising awareness and building community around the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at NC State. This will include consulting with faculty interested in SoTL research to build a network of available campus resources, creating a community of faculty interested in SoTL, co-leading NC State’s SoTL Institute, and disseminating information about the benefits of engaging in SoTL.

Maria Gallardo-Williams is a teaching professor, director of organic chemistry labs, and Aliumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor. She has served as a DELTA Faculty Fellow and has led the way for using technology in the classroom and as an online solution at NC State. Her research deals with the use of technology to facilitate inclusion and diversity in chemistry laboratories and classrooms.

She has published many peer-reviewed journal articles and given over 100 presentations in the areas of SoTL and Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER). With her extensive experience, knowledge and skills, we are confident that Dr. Gallardo-Williams will be an excellent leader for OFD’s SoTL program. Please join us in welcoming her into this new role.

Faculty Conversation Series

A Zoom SessionWe are preparing for a school year unlike any other, with faculty being asked to prepare a hybrid component, which means building more resilient courses. In order to provide peer support and community around teaching and learning and help faculty overcome feelings of isolation and lack of preparedness, the Office of Faculty Development has created the Conversation Series, a four-part series held in Zoom during July. For each of the four sessions, faculty will read a relevant article/paper about the topic (optional), receive question prompts, engage in conversation around the topic with other faculty members, and reflect on how the conversation may have changed thinking on the topic.

All conversations will be facilitated by Dr. Maria Gallardo Williams, OFD SoTL Faculty Fellow.

Session Schedule:

  • Finding Motivation and Inspiration and Avoiding Burnout (July 8, 2020, 11:30 a.m.). With Jennifer Stanigar, Program Evaluation Specialist, Office of Faculty Development.
  • Creating a Course-That-Does-It-All: Introducing HyFlex (Hybrid and Flexible) (July 15, 11:30 a.m.). With Claire Major, University of Alabama.
  • Engaging Students in Online Courses: Synchronous and Asynchronous Options (July 22, 11:30 a.m.). With Angie Smith, Teaching Associate Professor, College of Education.
  • Creating Effective Online Assessments That Don’t Require Proctoring (July 29, 11:30 a.m.). With Diane Chapman, Executive Director, Office of Faculty Development.

Register here

Faculty Discussion of Academic Continuity: Developing a Plan in Uncertain Times

laptop computerIn the first Keep Teaching webinar and the Online Asynchronous Workshop, faculty were guided through constructing a basic continuity plan for their courses. The data gathered during and after these offerings suggested that there are four areas of discussion around developing and implementing academic continuity plans:

  1. Best Practices for Student and Instructor Success
  2. Student Assessment and Academic Integrity
  3. Course Design and Content, Instructional Technology
  4. Instructional Strategies for Remote Learning

To support faculty and teaching graduate students in these areas, OFD will cohost two webinars via Zoom (July 16, 10-11:30 am and July 23, 1-2:30 pm) and an online, asynchronous workshop in Moodle.

During these events, we will focus on refining and (re)designing academic continuity plans through whole-group and small breakout-group discussions facilitated by staff from DELTA, NC State University Libraries, and OFD. Join us virtually with your questions and ideas to share with colleagues in the discussion.

Register here

Designing Effective Online Courses: An Online Workshop for UNC System Faculty and Staff

UNC System logoThe UNC System Office is pleased to announce the availability of Designing Effective Online Courses, an online workshop to support faculty and staff across the System in moving their courses to an online format.
Registration is now open. The workshop is free, but space is limited, and registration is required. This workshop will provide faculty and staff with information, tools, and experiences that will help them to be more successful—and more comfortable—teaching online. The material will be aimed at instructors who have minimal proficiency leading online learning environments, but experienced instructors will also find new tips, hot topics, and useful activities.

The workshop officially launches on July 6. Participants can finish the work at their own pace, but they are encouraged to complete the program by July 17.

Learn more and Register here

Upcoming Events

Monday, July 6

Wednesday, July 8

Friday, July 10