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OFD Newsletter: Week of October 21, 2019

OFD Workshop this Wednesday: Facilitating Engaging Class Discussions

Date: Wednesday, October 23
Time: 10:15-11:30 a.m.
Location: Clark Hall, Room 405
Faculty participants will:

  • Develop thought-provoking questions that foster engaging class discussions
  • Discover strategies for setting/communicating expectations for participation
  • Discuss techniques for balancing student participation during discussions

Register at:

Cooperating Raleigh Colleges Consortium Workshop for Adjuncts, Part-time, and Non-tenure Track Faculty: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Welcoming Classroom Environments

DATE: Wednesday, October 30
TIME:5:45-6:15pm Networking/Food, 6:15-7:30pm Workshop
LOCATION: Meredith College, Harris Hall, Room 214
TO REGISTER go to: (Deadline October 25, Seating limited)
Teaching strategies that emphasize structured active learning can create more equitable classrooms and improve learning for all students. As an introduction to inclusive teaching techniques, Professors Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy of the University of North Carolina will ask participants to reflect on inequities and diversity in their classrooms through interactive, hands-on activities. After providing a framework for inclusive design and their own research results, Hogan and Sathy will lead participants through active learning exercises and case studies that explore inclusive techniques. Drawing upon their own teaching experiences and educational research, they will model approaches that can be readily implemented with any discipline or class size to help all students achieve to their potentials.

NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge (October 28 – November 10, 2019)

Registration for the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity’s next 14-Day Writing Challenge ends next Thursday, October 24, so be sure to register today. Experiment with daily writing, online community, and supportive accountability.

It’s very simple:

  • Commit to writing every day for at least 30 minutes.
  • Log into our online community, start the timer, complete your writing, and post your progress at the end.
  • Take 5 minutes to support other writers in your group by commenting on their progress.

Register today!

If you have not already signed up for your free institutional sub-account with NCFDD, please visit

Campus Writing & Speaking Program Brown Bag: “Public Science in Every Course” with Caren Cooper and Jean Goodwin

Registration is now open for the Campus Writing & Speaking Program’s October Brown Bag Event: “Public Science in Every Course” with Dr. Caren Cooper and Dr. Jean Goodwin from the Leadership in Public Science Faculty Cluster on Tuesday, October 22 from 12-12:50pm in Fox 206.

The Leadership in Public Science faculty cluster aims to open opportunities for everyone at NC State to participate in activities that break down the boundaries between science and society at large. We’ll highlight two of our projects that can help instructors across the university incorporate public science into their course–along with rich opportunities for speaking and writing.

Citizen Science Campus is our initiative to allow every student on campus to have an authentic research experience, ideally one of local importance. Caren Cooper will review the infrastructure that makes guiding students to and through projects easier, preliminary research about the impacts of citizen science on student learning, and ideas for using citizen science as the focus for writing and speaking.

Science Communication Ethics encourages students to think critically about the roles scientists, engineers and other technical experts can usefully play on controversial topics like climate change, nuclear energy, and GMOs. Jean Goodwin will share her experience using cases based on actual events for discussion, formal debate, and writing.

Cheese and pepperoni pizza will be provided. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch and please bring your own beverages.

To sign up for this event, please go to the link below and fill out the registration form. Registrants must use their NC State Google mail address in order to access the online registration link. If you have questions about registration, please contact Matt Halm ( or Beth Greene (
Brown Bag Registration Link:

NIH @ NC State Grantsmanship Series: Writing NIH Grant Applications

The NIH @ NC State Grantsmanship Series is for anyone in the NC State Community who would like to learn more about grant opportunities at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Proposal Development Unit, in the Research Development Office of the NC State Office of Research and Innovation, is sponsoring this series to help promote NC State research efforts in health and biomedical sciences. The Writing NIH Grant Applications seminar will include guidance on navigating funding opportunity announcements, approaching the specific aims and public health relevancesections, and writing with the reviewers in mind.

Molly Puente serves as NIH Grants Coordinator for the Proposal Development Unit; prior to joining the PDU, Molly worked for over a decade at NIH. Registration is free!

Register here

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