2024-2025 Process, Schedule and Reminders
Current Year Details
COVID IMPACT STATEMENTS are being revised into more generalized Major Disruptions Impact Statements beginning with the 2024-2025 RPT Cycle (Section I.C. of the Dossier)
Upon consultation with the Faculty Senate Personnel Policy Committee, Provost Arden began offering faculty members the option to add a COVID Impact Statement to the materials prepared for the reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) process in the 2021-2022 cycle. Since our evaluation processes require faculty to discuss their achievements over the span of several years, the ability of faculty to document the effects of the pandemic remains an option. Going forward, however, faculty may also describe other high impact disruptions that have occurred. This impact statement, as well as the candidate statement in general, remains optional. Candidates may elect to include a Major Disruptions Impact Statement regardless of the action they are requesting (reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure) and regardless of their rank or track. Candidates who are tenure-track assistant professors may or may not have received extensions to their tenure clock, and candidates may elect whether to share this information in their Impact Statement. **AS A REMINDER, candidates who have received extensions of their tenure clock may not be held to a different promotion and/or tenure standard than candidates who have not received extensions (i.e., clock extensions are not to be treated as “extra time”).
To include a Major Disruptions Impact Statement in a RPT dossier: The Major Disruptions Impact Statement, where used, will be part of the optional candidate statement in RPT dossiers. The two-page limit for section I.C. of the RPT dossier has been increased, permitting a maximum of three pages. Faculty may choose to present a Major Disruptions Impact Statement as a discrete one-page addition to their candidate statement, or they may choose to integrate information about the impact throughout a three-page candidate statement. If integrating across a three-page statement, faculty should ensure that impacts are clearly and explicitly presented to address the intent of this opportunity.
RED Reporting (Section III.B. of the Dossier)
We continue to work with the Office of Research Innovation on the RPT Dossier Sponsored Programs Report. Reports do not include researchers who have been removed from sponsored projects. Faculty are encouraged to add annotations to the report describing any projects from which they were removed.
Early Tenure Explanation (Sections VIII.B. and IX. B. of the Dossier)
Based on a recommendation from the 2023-2024 University RPT Committee, Provost Arden is removing the requirement for deans and department heads to provide an explanation in their assessments for an “early” tenure action. All reviewers of dossiers that are requesting tenure prior to a mandatory review year should remember that regardless of whether a tenure action is “early,” the focus of the review should solely be on whether the candidate has met or exceeded the standards for promotion and/or tenure.
Date | Expectation |
May 2024 | Release of the 2024-2025 RPT Web Site |
August 9, 2024 | Submission of adjustments to college summaries (including mandatory and expected non-mandatory candidates) |
Staggered Deadlines: January 8, 2025 Design, Education, Poole-Management, Natural Resources, Wilson-Textiles, Veterinary Medicine, Division of Academic and Student Affairs January 15, 2025 Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences January 22, 2025 Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering | Deans submit dossiers via NC State's Online Tool for Submission of RPT Dossiers |
January 9 - March 21, 2025 | Materials prepared for university level review University level review of dossiers University Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews dossiers as requested by the Provost |
By March 21, 2025 | University level review completed/Provost consults with deans in regard to RPT reviews |
April 3-4, 2025 | NC State Board of Trustees' Meeting - final approval |
By April 11, 2025 | Letters distributed to candidates |
Provost’s Memo to Deans and Academic Department Heads
Learn more about updates to the RPT process for the 2024-2025 academic year.
General Information Sessions
The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost offers general information sessions on the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure process each spring semester. The sessions include details about the process, an overview of the RPT website and a question and answer period. New faculty with professorial rank in all tracks (tenure-track, teaching, research, etc.), those who will be entering the RPT cycle and anyone involved in reviewing candidates in the RPT process are encouraged to attend. No registration or RSVP is required.
Please familiarize yourself with the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure website prior to the sessions.
If you have questions please contact arjinnet@ncsu.edu.
RPT General Information Sessions
- Wednesday, March 5, 2025 3:00-4:30 p.m. Bostian Hall, Room 2722
- Thursday, March 20, 2025 3:30-5:00 p.m. Zoom Webinar will be accessible on March 20 at https://go.ncsu.edu/rptmeetings
March 1, 2024 RPT General Information Session
RPT Archives
Find additional information about the previous three academic years’ RPT process details.