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Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost strives to create a culture of faculty excellence at NC State. The office grows its support through the Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program, which allows talented faculty to explore academic leadership roles at the university’s highest levels.

Preparing Academic Leaders

In the Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program, current NC State faculty interested in learning more about academic affairs administration can build awareness of challenges and issues in higher education at the university, national, and global levels, build skills to address those challenges and issues, build collaborative relationships while working in interdisciplinary groups to solve problems and engage in opportunities to demonstrate leadership potential.

The departments of selected Fellows will be provided with 25 percent salary release funds to cover the time commitment required for participation.

2024-25 Provost’s Faculty Fellows

Nina Balke

Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

University Leadership Track

William Bauer

Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

University Leadership Track

Kathryn Boys

Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Global Leadership Track

Kyle Bunds

Associate Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

University Leadership Track

Alan Ellis

Associate Professor, School of Social Work

University Leadership Track

Ali Hajbabaie

Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

University Leadership Track

Paul Liu

Professor, Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Global Leadership Track

Seth Murray

Teaching Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Global Leadership Track

Tao Pang

Professor, Department of Mathematics

University Leadership Track