Personnel Resources
Pertaining to Administrators
Faculty and Staff Involvement in Selecting Academic Leaders
- REG 05.50.02 Review of College Deans
- REG 05.50.07 Review of Associate Deans
- REG 05.50.03 Review of Academic Department Heads/Chairs
- REG 05.50.05 Review of Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Dean of Graduate School, and Vice Provosts
Hiring Procedures Manual for Academic Personnel
Emeritus Status for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers
Supplemental Pay for EPA Employees
Pertaining to Faculty
Faculty Personnel Files
- Provost’s Memorandum (revised May, 2011) [docx]
- Template for Locating Personnel File Items [doc]
- Access to Personnel File Request Form [doc]
Template for Approval and Justification of Alternative Credentials for Instructors [docx]
Hiring and Retention
- List of Academic Departments that may grant rank [pdf]
- Hiring Procedures Manual for Academic Personnel [pdf]
- POL 05.20.01 Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
- REG 05.20.34 Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments
- Dual Career Academic Hiring Assistance (Spousal/Partner Hires)–The Provost will partner with colleges to support dual career hiring in academic departments. Department Heads should work with their Dean to develop the request to the Provost by following the same process as for a Target of Opportunity Hire, described next.
- Target of Opportunity hires
- Hiring a faculty member with tenure.
- Counter Offers to retain faculty members.
Performance Management and Review
- Annual Faculty Activity Reports (Section 3.1 of REG 05.20.03)
- REG 05.20.03 Annual Reviews of Faculty Members
- REG 05.20.10 Evaluation of Teaching
8-31-11 Memo-Provost approves changes in ClassEval Instrument
ClassEval: NC State’s Online Class Evaluation System - Post Tenure Review
Policies, Regulations and Rules, a Primer [doc]
Tenure Related
- Hiring a faculty member with tenure.
Form used when hiring a faculty member with tenure “Board of Trustees (BOT) Reporting Form” (PRV-003) [doc] - Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure
- Post Tenure Review
- Tenure Clock
- Extending the Tenure Clock Forms: Tenure Clock Extension (PRV-002); Notice of Birth, Adoption or Placement of a Foster Child
Tenure Clock Information …for tenure-track appointments. This site assists determination of cycle when mandatory reappointment and promotion with tenure decisions are due. Keys off end date of faculty member’s current contract.
- Transfer of Faculty Member’s Tenure Department (SOP)
- Template for Plan for Review of Joint and Interdisciplinary Faculty [Google]
- Options for Review in Departments Impacted by the Creation of the College of Sciences (Genetics, Microbiology, Toxicology and Biology) [docx]
Phased Retirement Program [REG 05.57.01]
Scholarly Reassignment For Faculty – REG 05.20.24, the request form is available in the ‘Additional References’ section of this regulation
Summer Salary and Supplemental Pay for Nine Month Faculty
Supplemental Pay for EHRA Employees (includes 9-month faculty)