Awards For Excellence – Provost’s Unit
The University Awards for Excellence represent NC State’s highest honor for non-faculty members.
2025 Awards
Nomination Process
The nomination process for the 2025 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence is now open.
Recognition Event
A celebratory buffet luncheon and award ceremony was hosted by Provost Arden on Thursday, March 20, 2025, location to be determined, to recognize the 2025 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence nominees and recipients.
Please contact Awards Coordinator Sherry Bailey at with any questions.
Prior Years
Find more information about previous years’ honorees below.
2024 Awards
- Carolyn Howard, NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education
- Brionna Johnson, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Caitlin McKeown, DELTA
- Valerie Oti, Enrollment Management and Services
- Susan Varnell, NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education
Other Nominees
- April Baer, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Shannon Bass, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Kathryn Behling, Office of Global Engagement
- Raj Bohsale, Graduate School
- Charla Blumell, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Janet Del Pinal, Office for Faculty Excellence
- Aisha Grant, NC State University Libraries
- Allison Haskins, Office of Global Engagement
- Katelan Haynes, NC State University Libraries
- Ryan Hunter, NC State University Libraries
- Melissa Jackson, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Kimberly Little, NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education
- Kimberly Mahl, NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education
- Ashley McIver, Office of Assessment and Accreditation
- Hillary Patton, Office of Global Engagement
- Kyle Pysher, Enrollment Management and Services
- Maria Rice, NC State University Libraries
- Valerie Schwartz, Office of Instructional Programs
- Stacy Somers, DELTA
- Rebecca Stojancic, Office of University Interdisciplinary Programs
- Geneva Walata, Office of Global Engagement
- Jessica Whittier, Graduate School
- Merranie Zellweger, DELTA
2023 Awards
2023 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence Announced – 4.04.23 article
- Jiakaira Dixon, DELTA
- Melissa Edwards Smith, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Angela Hallman, DELTA
- Jonathan Holloway, Office for Faculty Excellence
- Daniel Spencer, DELTA
Other Nominees
- April Baer, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Meg Chester, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
- LaTissa Davis, Office of Instructional Programs
- Justin Haynes, NC State University Libraries
- Courtney Hewett, NC State University Libraries
- Kimberly Little, NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education
- Yan Shen, DELTA
- Meredith Wynn, NC State University Libraries
2022 Awards
2022 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence Announced – 3.30.22 article
- Judy Austin, Office for Faculty Excellence
- Lauren Ball, Office of Global Engagement
- Adrienne Davis, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Neal Hairston, NC State University Libraries
- Alexis Lockett, DELTA
Other Nominees
- Jennifer Beaman, Graduate School
- Christine Belledin, DELTA
- Jordan Booth, NC State University Libraries
- Jason Groth, NC State University Libraries
- Janine Kossen, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Nellie Mauer, NC State University Libraries
- Alex Stacy, DELTA
- Kevin Stover, McKimmon Center
- Kaitlyn Tarley, DELTA
- Trevor Thornton, NC State University Libraries
- Jessica White, DELTA
2021 Awards
2021 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence Announced – 5.12.21 article
- Christopher Beeson, NC State DELTA
- Todd Buker, NC State DELTA
- Dan Deter, NC State DELTA
- Nicole Robelo, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Michael Shurer, Office of Global Engagement
- Davina Thrash, Institute for Emerging Issues
Other Nominees
- Grace Kavanagh, Office of Global Engagement
- Paula Cook, Office of Global Engagement
- Adrienne Davis, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Carmen Dunn, McKimmon Conference and Training Center
- Belen Gebremichael, Graduate School
- Rich Gurnsey, NC State DELTA
- Katie Homar, Graduate School
- Haley Huie, NC State Entrepreneurship
- Jill Zalewski, Enrollment Management and Services
2020 Awards
2020 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence Announced – 4.23.20 article
- Robert Chapman, McKimmon Conference and Training Center
- Alison Edwards, NC State University Libraries
- Katharine Frazier, NC State University Libraries
- David Howard*, DELTA
- Elizabeth James, Office of Global Engagement
- Charlene Pettiway, DELTA
Other Nominees
- Clément Bordas, Enrollment Management and Services
- Jonathan Brewster, Office of Global Engagement
- Carmen Dunn, McKimmon Conference and Training Center
- Arthur Earnest, DELTA
- Hayley Gallagher, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Belen Gebremichael, Graduate School
- Laurie Gyalog, DELTA
- Grace Kavanaugh, Office of Global Engagement
- Lisa LaBarbera-Mascote, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Lauren Liston, Graduate School
- Morgan Middleton, Enrollment Management and Services
- Amy Neaves, Office of Faculty Development
- Kim Priebe, Office of Global Engagement
- Carl Thomas, Office of Global Engagement
*David Howard won a 2020 NC State University Award for Excellence and was nominated for the 2020 North Carolina Governor’s Awards for Excellence.
2019 Awards
2019 Provost’s Unit University Awards for Excellence Presented – 4.02.19 article
- Deborah Acker, General Hugh H. Shelton Leadership Center
- Jonathan Champ, DELTA
- William Harnish, NC State University Libraries
- Lou Harrison*, DELTA
- Alexis Simison, DELTA
- Bethanne Tobey, DELTA
Other Nominees
- Cathi Dunnagan, DELTA
- Mollie Khanna, Office of Global Engagement, Study Abroad
- Lisa Madden, NC State University Libraries
- Kory Saunders, Office of Global Engagement, Study Abroad
- Eric Syty, Office of Global Engagement, International Services
- Beverly Williams, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
*Lou Harrison won a 2019 NC State University Award for Excellence and was nominated for the 2019 North Carolina Governor’s Awards for Excellence.
2018 Awards
2018 Provost’s Unit University Awards for Excellence Presented – 4.03.18 article
- Emanuel Brunson Jr., DELTA
- Irina Glabuchek, Office of Global Engagement, International Services
- Peggy Olive, Graduate School
- Tracey Ray, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Jeff Webster, DELTA
Other Nominees
- Sheila Brown, Urban Affairs and Community Development
- Sarah Craig, NCSU Libraries
- Cathi Dunnagan, DELTA
- Mary Elmer, Office of Global Engagement, Passport Services
- Anna Hayes, Office of Global Engagement, Study Abroad
- Sherry O’Neal, DELTA
- Seth Parrish, Office of Global Engagement, Study Abroad
- Jason Perry, Enrollment Management and Services, Goodnight Scholars Program
- Silvia Sheffield, NCSU Libraries
- Sandra Slezak, Office of Professional Development
- Hillary Stone, Office of Global Engagement, Intensive English Program
- Alex Wesner, Office of Global Engagement, International Services
2017 Awards
2017 University Awards for Excellence – Provost’s Unit – 5.04.17 article
- Brent Brafford, NCSU Libraries
- Michael Cuales, DELTA
- Laura Schenkman, Biotechnology Program
- Darren White, Graduate School
Other Nominees
- Stacy Bissette, Office of International Services
- Kevin Feeney, Office of International Affairs, Study Abroad
- Aimee Jones, Office of Professional Development
- Daxland Prather, Technology Training Solutions
- Michael Shurer, Office of International Services
- Laina Stensvold, Office of Professional Development
- Denise Wesselow, Graduate School
2016 Awards
- Katie Bean, DELTA
- Ashley Smith, The Libraries
- Holly Sullenger, Technology Training Solutions
- Megan Winzeler, Office of International Affairs
Other Nominees
- Ben Garner, McKimmon Conference and Training Center
- Juanita Lanning, McKimmon Conference and Training Center
- Ryan Lawrence, McKimmon Conference and Training Center
- Carl Thomas, Office of International Services
- Mike Carter, Graduate School
- Kelia Hubbard, Office of International Services
- Janice Sitzes, Continuing and Professional Education
2015 Awards
- Erin Banks, Graduate School
- Shaun Bennett, The Libraries
- Erik Olson, The Libraries
- Meghan Wilson, Graduate School
Other Nominees
- Jennifer Brown, International Affairs
- John Gordon, Distance Education & Learning Technology Applications
- Brett Locklear, Graduate School
- Otis McGresham, Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Garry Morgan, Institutional Equity and Diversity
- Jamie Pendergrass, Enrollment Management and Services
- Charles Samuels, The Libraries
- Carolyn Wall, Enrollment Management and Services
- Jeff Webster, Distance Education & Learning Technology Applications
- Gary Wilson, The Libraries
2014 Awards
- Karen Acree, Provost Office
- David Edelman, Graduate School
- Lian Lynch, Graduate School
- Cheryl McKenzie, Office of Professional Development
Other Nominees
- Carrie Bjorkquist, McKimmon Center
- Jacob Downey, The Libraries
- Shirley Rodgers, The Libraries
- Ashley Schwed, Office of Professional Development
- Susan Smith, Industrial Extension Services
- Stacie Varner, Urban Affairs & Community Services
- Merranie Zellweger, DELTA
2013 Awards
- Tina Adams, The Libraries
- Jennifer Castillo, Institutional Equity & Diversity (EPA)
- Laura Chen, DELTA
- Cheryl Oakley, Enrollment Management & Services
Other Nominees
- Kerrie Cave, Office of Professional Development
- Melissa Cox, Biotechnology Program
- Lindsay Gentile, Graduate School
- Thomas Greene, International Services
- Cate Madden, International Affairs
- Colin Nickels, The Libraries
- John Pommerich, The Libraries
- Randy Schiener, Office of Professional Development
- James Williamson, McKimmon Center
2012 Awards
- Brent Brafford, The Libraries
- Allie Giro, DELTA
- Myra Moses, Shelton Leadership Center (EPA)
- Dawn Pearce, The Libraries
Other Nominees
- Lauren Ball, International Services
- Sharon Broere, DELTA
- Jonathan Champ, DELTA
- Charles Clift, Registration and Records
- Cathy Donohue, The Libraries
- Jen Foster, Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Thomas Greene, International Services
- Virginia Howell, Faculty Affairs
- Ida James, Registration and Records
- Kimberly Priebe, Study Abroad
- Shawn Smith, Scholarships and Financial Aid
- Rosanna Thompson, Scholarships and Financial Aid
2011 Awards
- Zachary Cook, Undergraduate Academic Programs
- Teresa Dail, Registration and Records
- Aixa Morales-Diaz, The Graduate School
- Toni Thorpe, African American Cultural Center (EPA)
Other Nominees
- Barbi Honeycutt, The Graduate School
- Ida James, Registration and Records
- Chantell Lapan, Office of International Affairs
- Derrick Lovick, Office of International Services
2010 Awards
- George Barthalmus, Undergraduate Research (DUAP) (EPA)
- Crystal (Cate) Putirskis, Libraries
- Emily (Beth) Self, Registration & Records
Other Nominees
- K. Brooke Ashley, Study Abroad
- Sarah Bankston, Libraries
- David Dixon, International Affairs
- Larry Evans, DELTA
- Lynda Hambourger, DELTA
- Millie Herget, First Year College (DUAP)
- Laura Ladrie, Advanced Analytics
- Nieke Ploemen-Guillory, International Services
- John Pommerich, Libraries
- Vernice Stevenson, Faculty Senate
- Mary Tetro, Advising Support, Information & Services (DUAP)
- Carl Thomas, First Year College (DUAP)
2009 Awards
- Stacy Gant, DELTA (EPA)
- Johnathan Idol, Registration & Records
Other Nominees
- Samuel Morris, Study Abroad
- Hanya Redwan, International Services
2008 Awards
- Amy Circosta, Equal Opportunity & Equity (EPA)
- Retta Clemons, Office of the Provost
- Tony Pearson, DELTA
Other Nominees
- Donna Burton, First Year College
- Michelle Crossley, First Year College
- Ginger Davis, International Affairs
- Theo “Rusty” Earl, The Libraries
- Kathy Green, Institute for Advanced Analytics
- Karen Hauschild, First Year College
- Kimberly Priebe, Study Abroad
- John Pugh, DELTA
- Mimi Riggs, The Libraries
- Marcia Toms, Undergraduate Tutorial Center
- Peter Watson, DELTA
2007 Awards
- Patrice Daniels, The Libraries
- Andrew Kurth, Information Technology
- Matthew Rust, First Year College (EPA)
- Lowell West, Study Abroad
Other Nominees
- Karrie Dixon, Diversity & African American Affairs
- Kimberly Franklin, First Year College
- Carrie Leger, Academic Support Programs for Student Athletes
- Darren Ley, DELTA
- Erica Lezan, New Student Orientation
- Kim Outing, First Year College
- Patrick Williams, Information Technology
2006 Awards
- Lisa Fiedor, DELTA
- Jacqui Hawkins-Morton, First Year College (EPA)
- Brian Judson, Registration & Records
- Dickran Parunak, Information Technology
Other Nominees
- Karen Acree, Provost Office
- Carolyn Barnes, Registration & Records
- Keri Bowman, Virtual Advising Center
- Shannon Brandt, First Year College
- Karrie Dixon, Diversity &African-American Affairs
- Kimberly Franklin, First Year College
- Noah Genzel, Information Technology
- Karen Horne, Information Technology
- Donna Y. Johnson, FCTL
- Terra Kridler, Libraries
- Beatrice Richardson, Information Technology
- John Starbuck, Extension & Continuing Education
- Joe Wells, Information Technology
2005 Awards
- Harold Allen, Libraries
- Julie Lu, Libraries
- Shirley Rodgers, Libraries
- PJ Shoulders, Study Abroad (EPA)
Other Nominees
- Karen Hauschild, First Year College
- Kim Ball Outing, First Year College
- Dawn Pearce, Libraries
- Donna Petherbridge, DELTA
- Dave Sorenson Libraries
- Mary Tetro, Undergraduate Affairs
2004 Awards
- Eric Anderson, Libraries
- Brian Clossey, Libraries
- Sandra Foley, Undergraduate Tutorial Center
- Janet Howard, Diversity and African-American Affairs
Other Nominees
- Herman Berkhoff, Libraries
- Michael Cuales, DELTA
- Janese Dockery, First Year College
- Marc Gainey, First Year College
- Robert Hollomon, DELTA
- Darnell Johnson, UGA
- Donna Petherbridge, DELTA
- David Serxner, Libraries
- Rhonda Sutton, OEO
2003 Awards
- Jeff Barnhardt, Libraries
- Marilee Bresciani, Undergraduate Affairs
- Laura Grady, ITD
- Kent Marshall, ITD
Other Nominees
- Herman Berkhoff, Libraries
- Carrie Leger, Academic Support Program for Student Athletes (ASPSA)
- Carrie McLean, First Year College
- Ronald Mimms, Undergraduate Affairs
- Donna Petherbridge, DELTA
- Jessamyn Steimer, ITD
2002 Awards
- David DeFoor, NCSU Libraries
- Karen Hauschild, Undergraduate Affairs
- Patrice Hill, Office of the Provost
- John Klein, Information Technology
Other Nominees
- Cindy Allen, Continuing Studies
- Jean Bukhay, Cooperative Education Program
- Elizabeth Carroll, Continuing Studies
- Pat Cellini & Janese Dockery, Team from Undergraduate Affairs
- Chip Futrell, Continuing Studies
- Andrea Irby, Undergraduate Affairs
- Karen Jorgensen, Undergraduate Affairs
- Vanessa Marchetti, NCSU Libraries
- Alby Rose, Information Technology
- Ann Rothe, NCSU Libraries
- Herman Trojanowski, University Archives
- Laura Truelove, Continuing Studies
- Melissa Williford, Continuing Studies
- Lori Wilson, Undergraduate Affairs
- Phyllis Jernigan, Pat Cotton, Susie Godwin, Maureen Fenwick, Kevin Murphy, Samantha Burg, (Team from Center for Urban Affairs)
2001 Awards
- Carmen Christopher, Undergraduate Affairs
- Betty Gardner, Continuing Studies
- Anthony Lawrence, Information Technology
- Carrie Levow, Information Technology
Other Nominees
- Claire Braxton, NCSU Libraries
- Debbie Currie, NCSU Libraries
- Margaret Hunt, NCSU Libraries
- Nancy Burgart, NCSU Libraries
- Holly Chang, NCSU Libraries
- Gail Cooke, NCSU Libraries
- Sandra Foley, Undergraduate Tutorial Center
- Daniel Henninger, Information Technology
- Peggy Hoon, NCSU Libraries
- Mae Jernigan, Undergraduate Affairs
- Tim Lowman, Information Technology
- Loretta Massenburg, Registration & Records
- Hal Meeks, Information Technology
- Todd Moore, NCSU Libraries
- Nancy Mottley, NCSU Libraries
- Ella Rogers‑Jones, NCSU Libraries
- Carolyn Wall, Enrollment Management
- Lori Ann Wilson, Undergraduate Affairs
2000 Awards
- Jonas ‘Joe’ McCoy, Information Technology
- Jevonda Greer, OAPS
- Roxanna Staton McGraw, First Year College
- Larry Robinson, Information Technology
Other Nominees
- Jacqueline Gadison
- Gerri Furlow
- Vicki Pennington, Academic Administration, Personnel, and Budget
- Jack McGeachy, NCSU Libraries
- David DeFoor, NCSU Libraries
- Stephani L. ‘Nia’ Rodgers
- Benjamin E. Garner
- Sheri Plenert, Equal Opportunity, Equity, and Diversity
- Barbara Yde, DELTA
1999 Awards
- Sharron Bouquin, Academic Personnel Services
- Patrick Williams, Information Technology
- Jason Young, Information Technology
Other Nominees
- Jean Best, Continuing Studies
- Mary Brown, NCSU Libraries
- Judy Davis-O’Kane
- Jacqueline Gadison, CVM Medical Library
- Alan Galloway, Information Technology
- Anita Jackson, Continuing Studies
- Denise Peace, NCSU Libraries
- Joseph Reinwald, NCSU Libraries
- Chris Replogle, Information Technology
- JoAnn Roberto, Continuing Studies
- Ann Rothe, NCSU Libraries
1998 Awards
- Everette G. Allen, Information Technology
- Bruce I. Mallette, Administration (EPA)
- Stan North Martin, Information Technology
- Gary C. Wilson, NCSU Libraries
Other Nominees
- Martha A. Ammons, Undergraduate Admissions (EPA)
- Tamika Barnes, NCSU Libraries
- Sharron H. Bouquin, Academic Personnel Services
- April Errickson, NCSU Libraries
- Gladys Marie Honeycutt, NCSU Libraries
- Sharon Denise Hush, NCSU Libraries
- Valerie G. Jones, Continuing Studies
- Judy T. Long, Continuing Studies
- Denise B. Peace, NCSU Libraries
1997 Awards
- Laura P. McLean, Undergraduate Admissions (EPA)
- Cathy Powell, NCSU Libraries
- Lawrence G. Robinson, Information Technology (Computing Services)
Other Nominees
- Carla Abramczyk, NCSU Libraries
- Arnold S. Bell, Undergraduate Studies
- Sharron H. Bouquin, OAPS
- Pat Cellini, Undergraduate Studies
- Patrice Daniels, NCSU Libraries
- Phyllis Garris, NCSU Libraries
- Bill Padgett, Information Technology (Computing Services)
- Carmen W. Thomas, African-American Affairs
1996 Awards
- Thomas Conway (EPA)
- Terrell Crow
- Susan Klein
1995 Awards
- Annis Kutchin Barbee
- LeJun Crump
1994 Awards
- Charlotte Swartz
- Mark Howell
1993 Awards
- Pat Cellini
- Leigh Clark