Forms and templates can be found throughout our Administrator Resources section based on topic area. Some of the most frequently used and requested items are listed below for your convenience.
- Annual Report Template for University Standing Committee
- Board of Trustees (BOT) Reporting Form (PRV-003)
- Department Head Continuation Letter to the Provost Template (from Dean to Provost)
- Department Head Discontinuation Letter to the Provost Template (from Dean to Provost)
- Department Head Continuation Letter Template (from Dean to Department Head)
- Emeritus Status Request Letter Template
- Honorary Degree Nomination (will be required to login with Unity account)
- Personnel Action Requiring Approval of the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees (PA 100)
- Request from Dean to Provost for approval of review committee for a Professorship of Distinction
- Recommendation from Dean to Provost for appointment of Professorship of Distinction
- RPT Brief Resume Template
- RPT Dossier Checklist
- Summer Salary Certification Form
- Tenure Clock Extension
- Notification of Birth, Adoption or Placement of a Foster Child (for Tenure Clock Extension)