Michael Burchell
Professor and Dept. Extension Leader
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Weaver Administration Bldg 200
Michael R. Burchell II, Ph.D. is a Professor and Extension Leader in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. He received his B.S. in Biology from NC State in 1992, an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Mississippi in 1996, and a Ph.D. in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from NC State in 2003. Along the way he worked at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering’s Engineering Research and Development Laboratory in Vicksburg, MS. He conducts research and provides outreach in the areas of water quality, wetland restoration, riparian buffers, constructed wetlands, urban stormwater, and agricultural water management. On the academic side, he developed new courses in Ecological Engineering and wetland design at the undergraduate and graduate level, respectively. He also helped lead the development of the first undergraduate Ecological Engineering curriculum at NC State. He oversees the departmental Extension workshop program that trains over 3,000 clients per year and leads the Extension Water Resources Program Team. Dr. Burchell also served as the President of the American Ecological Engineering Society from 2021-2022.