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Astrid Schnetzer

Director, ​NC Center of Coastal Algae, People and Environment (NC C-CAPE)

College of Sciences

Jordan Hall 4148


Dr. Schnetzer is a coastal oceanographer and molecular ecologist who focuses on plankton diversity and food webs in freshwater, estuarine and ocean environments. Her lab investigates how natural and anthropogenic processes, such as ocean pollution, impact plankton assemblages and how changes in community structure and diversity impact matter and energy flux through aquatic ecosystems. She is also the director of the North Carolina Center of Coastal Algae, People and the Environment, an Ocean and Human Health Center that combines multidisciplinary expertise in ocean and climate science, toxicology, epidemiology, modeling, and community engagement to understand, predict, and reduce risks to human health from cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms
in NC coastal waters.