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Climate Solutions Collaborative

We are catalyzing climate action and collaboration at NC State.

What is the Climate Solutions Collaborative?

The Climate Solutions Collaborative is a vibrant ecosystem of dedicated efforts at NC State committed to addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change. It is a resource hub, a platform for collaboration, and most importantly, a catalyst for change. With diverse efforts spanning themes like water, energy, economics, health, and public policy, we are building a brighter, more sustainable future. Together, we strive to amplify our collective impact, raise awareness, and form solutions to solve the climate crisis. Join us on this journey to inspire change and create a resilient and sustainable world for all.


NC State faculty, staff and students are seeking solutions around themes including climate, water, air, land, energy, health and community. This table provides an introduction to who at NC State is working in these important areas.

Table of Climate Solutions Collaborative programs working on the various Collaborative themes (climate, water, air, land, energy, health and community).

CAP – Carolinas Climate Adaptation Partnership
CCS – Climate Change and Society
CDDL – Coastal Dynamics Design Lab
CEnREP – Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy
CGA – Center for Geospatial Analytics
CHHE – Center for Human Health and the Environment
CLP – KIETS Climate Leaders Program
CRSI – Coastal Resilience and Sustainability Initiative
DSA – Data Science Academy
GGA – Genetics and Genomics Academy
GOHA – Global One Health Academy
ITRE – Institute for Transportation Research and Education
NC C-CAPE – North Carolina Center for Coastal Algae, People and Environment
NC PSI – North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative
NC SG – North Carolina Sea Grant
NC WRRI – North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
SCO – State Climate Office of North Carolina
SECASC  – Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center
SFI – Sustainable Futures Initiative
SIF – NC State Social Innovation Fellows
SO – Sustainability Office


For more information on the Climate Solutions Collaborative, please contact Erin Seekamp at 919.513.7407 or