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2022-2023 Process, Schedule and Reminders

Current Year Details

COVID IMPACT STATEMENTS will again be an option in the 2022-2023 RPT Cycle (Section I.C. of the Dossier)

NC State’s creative and dedicated faculty have made profound adjustments to their work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon consultation with the Faculty Senate Personnel Policy Committee, Provost Arden is offering faculty members the option to develop a COVID Impact Statement, which can be added to the materials prepared for the reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) process (beginning with AY 2021-22 cycle) to help ensure that their efforts can be recognized. Please note that impact statements are not required.

To include a COVID Impact Statement in a RPT dossier: The COVID Impact Statement, where used, will be part of the optional candidate statement in RPT dossiers. The two-page limit for section I.C. of the RPT dossier has been increased, permitting a maximum of three pages. Faculty may choose to present a COVID Impact Statement as a discrete one-page addition to their candidate statement, or they may choose to integrate information about the impact of COVID throughout a three-page candidate statement. If integrating across a three-page statement, faculty should ensure that COVID impacts are clearly and explicitly presented to address the intent of this opportunity. For more information on COVID Impact Statements, including a set of Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

The Provost’s Office encourages departmental faculty to discuss the impact of the pandemic on their discipline and the faculty in their department prior to reviewing RPT dossiers in the fall. We previously provided guidance to departments to support these conversations. More information may be found here.

CLASSEVAL REPORT has returned to its prior format with a combination of quantitative and open-ended questions (Section II of Dossier)

Beginning with the Spring 2022 semester, ClassEval returned to its prior format with a combination of quantitative and open-ended questions. ClassEval was modified for the Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters. Results from Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 student course evaluations have been provided to instructors and department heads but will not be included in the ClassEval reports that are generated for inclusion in reappointment, promotion and tenure dossiers. Thus, DVFs and CRPTCs should not expect to see student course evaluations in the ClassEval section (Section II.A.2.a.) of RPT dossiers from these courses.

Faculty members who wish to include ClassEval data from courses that were excluded from the official ClassEval report, as described above, may include summaries of those data under “Instructional Development” (Section II.B) as described below.

Instructional Development – Highlight innovations and new developments in courses, curricula, and programs:

Faculty are encouraged to describe any curricular innovations and new approaches they took in the classroom to address student outcomes during pandemic-affected semesters. These descriptions may be augmented with summaries of student comments or feedback collected via ClassEval, but including student comments is not required.


The new template required for requesting external evaluations for RPT candidates in AY 22-23 is available on our website. The faculty affairs team created this new external evaluation template in response to concerns that many department heads raised in previous years about the need for a template that was more flexible for use with professional faculty candidates and for candidates whose SFRs emphasized realms of responsibility more than scholarship. The new template also addresses tenure clock extensions and our optional pandemic-related impact statements. Starting with the 2022-2023 RPT cycle, use of the new template is required.


Provost’s Memo to Deans and Academic Department Heads

Learn more about updates to the RPT process for the 2022-2023 academic year.

General Information Sessions

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost offers general information sessions on the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure process each spring semester. The sessions include details about the process, an overview of the RPT website and a question and answer period. New faculty with professorial rank in all tracks (tenure-track, teaching, research, etc.), those who will be entering the RPT cycle and anyone involved in reviewing candidates in the RPT process are encouraged to attend. No registration or RSVP is required.

Please familiarize yourself with the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure website prior to the sessions.

If you have questions please contact

RPT General Information Sessions

  • Wednesday, March 8, 2023 3:00-4:30pm Cox Hall, Room 206    

March 2023 RPT General Information Session

Additional Resources

The following resources may be helpful as you prepare for the 2022-2023 RPT process.