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Sean Heuser

Envirnmntl Sustainablty Prfsnl

College of Sciences

Research Building III 143


A native of North Carolina, Sean is currently an Assistant State Climatologist of the State Climate Office of North Carolina. He is also the manager of the North Carolina Environment and Climate Observing Network (ECONet), a statewide network of research grade weather stations providing data every 5 minutes throughout the state of North Carolina. As the manager of the ECONet, Sean is responsible for purchasing and calibration of weather sensors, testing of new weather sensors, working with partners for potential new station locations, overseeing technicians’ field responsibilities, enhancing and updating station metadata for National Mesonet Program and development of new web products the enhance the value of ECONet data.

Sean holds a B.S. in Atmospheric Science with a minor in mathematics from UNC Asheville (2005) and a M.S. in Atmospheric Science from NC State University (2010).