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Current Year Details – 2020-2021

Guidance for Managing the 2020-2021 RPT Process/Dossier Due to COVID-19 Challenges


Teaching Effectiveness

  • ClassEval report:

ClassEval will be modified for the Spring 2020 semester, for courses in the Summer 2020 semester that had to transition quickly from face-to-face to remote instruction, and for Fall 2020. Results from these student course evaluations will be provided to instructors and department heads but will not be included in the ClassEval reports that are generated for inclusion in reappointment, promotion and tenure dossiers. Thus, DVFs and CRPTCs should not expect to see student course evaluations in dossiers from any Spring 2020 courses, from Summer 2020 courses that were converted quickly for remote instruction, or for Fall 2020.

Faculty members who wish to include ClassEval data from courses that were excluded from the official ClassEval report, as described above, may include summaries of those data under “Instructional Development” (Section II.B) as described below.

  • Peer evaluations of teaching:

Peer teaching evaluations scheduled to occur in the Spring 2020 semester may have been disrupted. As with all cases of dossiers not containing the required number of peer evaluations, the candidate will not be penalized and the dossier will not be sent back as long as there is an explanation for it. The Department Head should include a brief explanation in his/her assessment. 

Instructional Development – Highlight innovations and new developments in courses, curricula, and programs:

Faculty may wish to describe curricular innovations and approaches they took in the classroom to address student outcomes during the COVID-19 transition to online courses. These descriptions may be augmented with summaries of student feedback collected via ClassEval, but this is not required.


Department Heads may encounter challenges obtaining external letters of evaluations this summer and early fall. Although the aim is to obtain five external letters for a candidate’s promotion or tenure dossier, we have always permitted fewer than five (see section 5.4.2 of the Consultation REG). We do require that when a department head cannot, despite good efforts, obtain five evaluations, he or she must explain the reason that fewer than five evaluations were received.


Please continue to follow department, college and university PRRs on requirements for Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF) deliberations and votes. Google Hangout and Zoom are acceptable formats to use for confidential meetings like DVF or other committee votes. If you are concerned that confidentiality could be violated during technology-mediated deliberations, you may want to introduce good practices like reminding attendees of the call’s confidential nature, the expectation that no outside parties are privy to the conversation, and that call recordings and screen captures are expressly prohibited. In a tool like Zoom, you can paste a confidentiality statement in the chat window, have participants respond in agreement, and download a copy of the chat window at the end of the call for your records. Learn more about using the features of Zoom at


Please recall that, per recent changes to Sections 9.1.2 and 10.2.1 of the Professional Faculty regulation, the DVF for initial contract, contract renewal, and promotion of professional faculty now includes appropriate professional faculty as well as the tenured and tenure-track faculty who’ve always been part of these DVFs. Please be especially careful to assure you are including all eligible members of the DVF in your various appointment and promotion processes. We developed a graphic of example DVFs and are working to ensure that the right faculty have access in RPT Online to promotion dossiers for professional faculty promotions. All questions related to RPT Online should be submitted through the “Email Help” prompt at the bottom of each screen.

Additional Resources:

Memo from Provost Arden – Guidance on Issues of Faculty Evaluation [PDF] – 3.24.20

COVID-19 Automatic Tenure Clock Extensions

Memo from Provost Arden and Vice Provost Stewart – Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Considerations during COVID-19 [PDF]  – 9.08.20

Update from Senior Vice Provost Stewart – Extending the Deadline for Pandemic-related Tenure Clock Extensions – 3.12.21


Provost’s Memo to Deans and Academic Department Heads

Learn more about updates to the RPT process for the 2020-2021 academic year.

General Information Sessions

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost offers general information sessions on the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure process each spring semester. The sessions include details about the process, an overview of the RPT website and a question and answer period. New faculty with professorial rank in all tracks (tenure-track, teaching, research, etc.), those who will be entering the RPT cycle and anyone involved in reviewing candidates in the RPT process are encouraged to attend. No registration or RSVP is required.

Please familiarize yourself with the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure website prior to the sessions.

If you have questions please contact

RPT General Information Sessions – Spring 2021

Three sessions will be offered remotely via Zoom and will be accessible on each date at (the Go Link will point to the 2020-2021 Process and Schedule page on days there is not a session scheduled). No registration or RSVP is needed to attend.

  • Friday, February 5 – 1:30-3 pm
  • Thursday, February 18 – 3:30-5:00pm
  • Monday, March 8 – 10:30am – noon