RPT Videos
We provide faculty with the resources they need to navigate the often-complicated RPT process. This series of videos will provide updates and give answers to your most common RPT questions.
RPT Assessments, Recommendations and Votes
NC State Senior Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs (previously Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs) Katharine Stewart gives tips on best practices for assessment and recommendation documents, and accuracy in voting in the reappointment, promotion and tenure processes. This video is designed for deans, department heads and members of college and departmental RPT committees who are involved in these processes.
Statement of Mutual Expectations to Statement of Faculty Responsibilities Transition
NC State Senior Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs (previously Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs) Katharine Stewart and Jane Lubischer, Assistant Department Head in Biological Sciences and Director of the Life Sciences First Year Program, provide insight on the transition of Statements of Mutual Expectations (SME) to Statements of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR). This video is designed for deans, department heads and faculty members with a contract of at least one year.
Questions and Answers About Statements of Faculty Responsibilities
NC State Senior Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs (previously Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs) Katharine Stewart answers some of the most common questions asked about Statements of Faculty Responsibilities (SFRs), previously known as Statements of Mutual Expectations (SMEs). This video is designed for faculty who are new to NC State or have questions about the development and use of SFRs.
Tips for External Evaluations of the RPT Dossier
NC State Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Katharine Stewart offers tips on requesting external evaluations and including them in a candidate’s reappointment, promotion or tenure dossier. This video is designed for faculty who are going up for review as well as department heads and others who are involved with reviewing or requesting external evaluation letters.