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Latest Past Events

Spring Diversity Dialogue: From Dialogue to Action

Witherspoon Student Center, Campus Cinema 2810 Cates Avenue

The spring Diversity Dialogue, “From Dialogue to Action,” will provide facilitated discussion to promote awareness and understanding of different dimensions of diversity as it relates specifically to NC State’s campus culture. This forum will allow individuals to go beyond a discussion of problems and challenges to skill building, action and allyship.

Diversity in STEM Symposium: Making Space for Ourselves and Others

Talley Student Union 2610 Cates Avenue, Raleigh

NC State students, faculty, staff and alumni, as well as the general public, are invited to attend the Diversity in STEM Symposium: Making Space for Ourselves and Others. The event will include sessions on salary negotiation, creating a personal brand, finding and navigating a diverse work environment, and respecting community culture in STEM research. This event is free, but registration is required by Jan. 30.

Black History Month

Multiple Venues Across Campus NC

A full slate of events is scheduled at NC State for Black History Month. For details, see the annual campus-wide calendar, prepared by Multicultural Student Affairs. The 2018 theme is "Reclaiming Our Time: Solidifying Our Existence in the Wake of Resistance."