Vice Provosts & DASA And Graduate School Deans Leadership Survey Administration
The Provost Office will identify the appropriate population(s) to invite to participate in the review of the Vice Provost or Dean (e.g., unit employees, NC State committees/organizations, external constituents).
The Provost Office will develop the questionnaires for the appropriate populations in consultation with the Institutional Strategy and Analysis (ISA). Closed-end questions will conform to a 4-point scale, with the addition of a “don’t know” option. All surveys will have at least one open-end question.
ISA will prepare all necessary programs to administer the online survey.
After a respondent logs into the survey via the university’s authentication process a randomly generated ID will be retained on the respondent’s survey record. No personally identifying information (e.g., employee ID, Unity ID, name) will be included at any time on the participant’s individual record with his/her responses. The random IDs will allow ISA to control access to the survey and to assist with sending reminder notices to non-respondents. ISA will destroy crosswalk files linking random IDs to information about specific individuals (e.g., name, Unity ID) immediately after the online survey closes.
The Provost may request that demographic information about survey participants (e.g., department/unit, academic rank, tenure status) be included on individuals’ survey records. The inclusion of such demographic information, however, must be limited to avoid the possibility of identifying any specific individual by combining various demographic pieces of information about him/her.
ISA is responsible for maintaining the security of the survey data and all associated files. All data and associated files will be stored on a secure, password protected computer.
ISA will identify eligible population members in the VP or Dean’s unit from current HR personnel files. Eligible population members must be identified in HR records as being in a ‘home’ department or paid from a department within the unit. All instructional faculty in the unit, regardless of rank, will be included. The staff population will include all non-instructional EHRA and SHRA employees in the unit. Unless specifically requested by the Provost, excluded from the survey population are those who are classified as retired or emeritus, ‘no-pay,’ post-docs, graduate or undergraduate students, and temporary employees with less than 0.75 FTE. The Provost is responsible for identifying any other groups or individuals affiliated with NC State but outside the VP or Dean’s unit to be included in the review process, and for providing ISA with the names and contact information for those individuals and/or group members. Group membership will be determined by the current membership roster for the organization/committee. The VP/Dean may also suggest individuals/groups to include in the review process. The Provost is responsible for identifying population members for an external constituent’s survey if such a survey is to be administered. The Vice Provost/Dean may also suggest names to include in the population. ISA must be provided with the names and contact information (mail and email) for all external constituents.
ISA is responsible for sending all notices about the survey. Specifically,
“Prenotification” email: One week before the VP/Dean’s presentation to the campus community (e.g., relevant administrators, unit staff, others), ISA will sent a email message, over the name of the Provost, to all eligible employees in the VP/Dean’s unit reminding them about the presentation and the upcoming survey(s).
Survey invitation: Within 24 hours (1 business day) of the VP’s/Dean’s presentation ISA will send an email, over the name of the Provost, to all members of the survey population (e.g., unit employees, administrators, and external constituents) inviting them to participate in the survey. ISA will also send a hardcopy letter, on Provost letterhead, to all external constituents informing them about the survey and providing them the necessary information to access the survey.
Follow-up reminders: ISA will send email reminders to all non-respondents approximately one week after the survey goes live, and another about five days after that (or about two days before the survey closes after a total of 15 days in the field). All reminder emails will be sent over the name of ISA to reassure members of the population that no one outside of ISA knows who has and has not participated in the survey.
ISA is responsible for all data analysis and preparing a report for the Provost. ISA will hand deliver a hardcopy report to the Provost approximately two weeks after the online survey closes. The report will consist of aggregate level results (means and frequencies) for all closed-ended questions for each separate survey. The Unit Staff Survey report will include breakouts for EHRA and for SHRA employees. Direct reports will be included within their appropriate category, unless there is a large enough group to permit reporting their results as a separate category. The reports to the Provost will also include the verbatim responses to the open-end comments for each separate survey. Similar to the above, comments will be identified by whether the staff respondent was EHRA or SHRA.