Awards for Excellence – Provost’s Unit Nomination Process
The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is accepting nominations for the 2025 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence until Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 5 p.m.
Please note: All nominations must be submitted through this Human Resources online form. HR will then forward the nominations to Sherry Bailey, awards coordinator for the Provost’s Office.
HR will disable the nomination submission link after the February 5, 2025, deadline, therefore, late submissions will not be accepted.
The University Awards for Excellence program recognizes the meritorious accomplishments and contributions of active SHRA and EHRA employees working at least 30 hours each week.
No minimum length of service is required for eligibility.
- Active SHRA employees including law enforcement and cooperative extension employees working at least 30 hours each week (0.75 FTE)
- Active EHRA employees working at least 30 hours each week (0.75 FTE) (see exclusions below)
Not Eligible
- Active EHRA employees working 30 hours a week or more (0.75 FTE) classified as executive administrators in the SAAO Tier 1 category, department heads and faculty in the JCAT 100 and 200 categories
- Temporary employees (including but not limited to graduate assistants, house officers, postdoctoral scholars and student workers)
- Retirees
- Rehired retirees
- Groups or teams
Nomination Approval
All nominees require the approval of their unit manager and will be vetted for employment classification, payroll status, FTE and JCAT.
Any nominee will be disqualified in the event of any active or pending disciplinary actions or in the event of documented disciplinary actions within the preceding 18 months.
Nomination Overview
Number of Nominations
- Each Provost’s unit may nominate one EHRA candidate and one SHRA candidate.
- Units are encouraged to establish internal selection committees to identify their nominees. If a unit exceeds its nomination limit, leadership will be contacted to determine the official nominees.
- Units are listed below:
- Assessment and Accreditation
- Budget and Business Operations
- Continuing and Lifelong Education
- Enrollment Management and Services
- Equal Opportunity
- Faculty Excellence
- Global Engagement
- Institute for Emerging Issues
- Institutional Strategy and Analysis
- Instructional Programs
- Libraries
- Outreach and Engagement
- Provost’s Office
- The Graduate School
- University Interdisciplinary Programs
- Renomination is encouraged for those who were previously nominated but have not received the award.
Number of Awards
The Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence Selection Committee MAY select:
- Three SHRA recipients
- Two EHRA recipients
Candidate Qualifications
- Candidates should demonstrate excellence in their departments or divisions, the NC State campus community, the State of North Carolina or the lives of others. Their contributions should be ones that are deemed to be ABOVE AND BEYOND an employee’s normal job responsibilities. They should be so SINGULARLY OUTSTANDING that special recognition is justified.
Nomination Categories
One category per nominee. All nomination documents should reflect the nominee’s accomplishments in that particular category ONLY.
- Customer Service: This category recognizes a candidate who provides/provided exceptional service that left the customer fully satisfied with their experience. The candidate exceeded expectations to meet the needs of the customer and added value to the customer experience.
- Efficiency and Innovation: This category recognizes a candidate who has made a significant contribution to improving the efficiency of state government services. The candidate has established new and/or improved methods, practices, plans or designs resulting in innovation, savings and/or efficiency.
- Human Relations: This category recognizes a candidate who has made an outstanding contribution toward enhancing the quality or morale of the workplace or toward enhancing the public image of a department or division, NC State, or state government.
- Outstanding State Government Service: This category recognizes a candidate who demonstrates an unselfish devotion to duty far and above the normal requirements and contributes significantly to the advancement of state service to the citizens of North Carolina.
- Public Service: This category recognizes a candidate who has made an outstanding contribution by participating in or implementing community and public service projects (such as volunteering with various non-profit organizations).
- Safety and Heroism: This category recognizes a candidate who demonstrates outstanding judgment or courage in an emergency, voluntarily risking his/her life or exhibited meritorious action to prevent injury, loss of life or prevented damage to or loss of property.
- *Spirit of North Carolina: This category recognizes a candidate who exemplifies the state motto “To be, rather than to seem,” by mentoring others in the pursuit of excellence and serving as an ambassador for the State of North Carolina. *This award category is reserved for exceptional circumstances and for accomplishments and achievements of the highest caliber.
Submission Process
All nominations must be submitted through Human Resources’ online form. Upon receipt, HR will forward the nominations to Sherry Bailey, awards coordinator for the Provost’s Office.
Completing the Online Form
Please note: You must submit a reason for nomination in either the text field or upload a letter of nomination. Nominations that contain no reason for the nomination, either entered in the text field or uploaded in a letter, will not be considered.
As you proceed through the online submission process, please make sure you complete the following fields as noted below.
- Nominator/Nominee College or Unit: For Nominator and Nominee drop-down fields for “College or Unit,” select “Office of the Provost.” Your particular sub-unit will not be listed.
- Reason for Nomination: Describe the achievements and/or contributions of the nominee that justify this nomination. Include examples of the candidate’s contributions. These contributions should be ones that you consider to be ABOVE AND BEYOND an employee’s normal job responsibilities. They should be so SINGULARLY OUTSTANDING that special recognition is justified.
- Two options in section “Reason for Nomination”
- Option 1. In the text field, in 350 to 500 words, fully explain the achievements and/or contributions of the nominee. If you need more space to sufficiently explain your nominee’s achievements and/or contributions, please use option #2.
- Option 2. Upload a letter of nomination or letter of recommendation in Microsoft Word. Limit 350-500 words. No photos should be included. If it includes photos, the nomination will be forfeited.
- Two options in section “Reason for Nomination”
Submission Deadline
The nomination submission deadline is Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 5 p.m. All nominations must be submitted through this Human Resources online form. HR will then forward the nominations to Sherry Bailey, awards coordinator for the Provost’s Office.
Late Submissions
Please note: HR will disable the nomination submission link after the February 5, 2025, deadline, therefore, late submissions will not be accepted.
- Each award recipient will receive a cash award of $250, a letter of congratulations from Provost Arden, a framed certificate and eight hours of paid annual leave. All award recipients’ names will be published in the Provost’s Office Newsletter and on the Provost’s Office website. The names of the Provost’s Unit Award recipients will be submitted to HR to be reviewed as candidates for the University Awards for Excellence. The university-level Awards for Excellence Selection Committee will review the nominations and choose recipients.
- Those who were nominated but not selected will receive a certificate of recognition and a letter of recognition of nomination from Provost Arden.
Recognition Event
All award nominees and award recipients will be invited to bring a guest to a celebratory buffet luncheon and award ceremony hosted by Provost Arden on Thursday, March 20, 2025, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at a location to be determined. Vice provosts and nominators of all nominees and recipients will also be invited. Colleagues of the nominees and recipients from their respective units are also welcome to attend. More details about this event will follow as the date nears. Please save the date!
Please contact Sherry Bailey, awards coordinator for the Provost’s Office, with any questions or concerns. Call 515-6285 or email