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Mandatory Reviews

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Mandatory reviews are triggered by a prescribed maximum time. Mandatory review categories are:

Reappointment of Instructors: Dossiers are not required for reappointment of instructors. As defined in the Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure Policy, POL05.20.01, Section 4.1., instructors are appointed for one-year terms only and may not be reappointed for more than two years total.

Once an instructor has been identified in the RPT process, you may process the Job Request-Change in Appointment Begin and End Date Action in the personnel system as you normally would for an appointment outside the RPT process. The official letter from the Dean is to follow Human Resources approval of the Job Request.

Reappointment of 1st Term Assistant Professors: Mandatory reviews and decisions must be made and communicated before the end of the penultimate year of the initial appointment as assistant professor.

Promotion and Tenure of 2nd Term Assistant Professors: Mandatory reviews and decisions must be made and communicated before the end of the penultimate year of the second term as assistant professor.

Conferral of Tenure for Untenured Associate Professors (initially appointed to the rank from outside the university): Mandatory reviews and decisions must be made and communicated before the end of the penultimate year of the appointment as associate professor.

Review Timeline Example

The following is a timeline example for the RPT process.

1st Term as Assistant Professor effective 8/16/24 – 5/15/28

  • 24-25 Year 1
  • 25-26 Year 2
  • 26-27 Year 3 –> Decision made regarding reappointment to a second term*
  • 27-28 Year 4

*Positive Reappointment Decision: Year 4 ends; appointment dates for 2nd term as Assistant Professor are 8/16/28 – 5/15/31 (see below)
_Negative Reappointment Decision: employment terminates on the end date of the contract, in this example 5/15/28.

2nd term as Assistant Professor effective 8/16/28 – 5/15/31 (3 year contract appended to initial 4 year contract)

  • 28-29 Year 5
  • 29-30 Year 6 –> Decision made regarding promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure**
  • 30-31 Year 7

**Positive Decision: Year 6 ends; appointment date for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure is 8/16/30
__Negative Decision: employment terminates on the end date of the contract, in this example 5/15/31.

See the Tenure Clock Widget for assistance in determining contract end dates and RPT review cycles for new tenure-track faculty members (both 9 and 12 month), particularly for those with appointments that start at a time other than the beginning of the academic or fiscal year.