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Granting Emeritus/Emerita Faculty Status

Contact: Coordinator of Academic Personnel (515-3123)

History: First Issued as NCSU REG 05.20.6 April 27, 1995; last revised November 20, 2009. Regulation repealed and Standard Operating Procedure established 9/16/2011.

Related Policies:
NCSU POL05.20.2 – Emeritus/Emerita Status for Faculty and Senior Administrators


Eligibility criteria for Emeritus/Emerita status are contained in the NCSU POL05.20.2, Emeritus/Emerita Status for Faculty and Senior Administrators


A. Upon notification of retirement, the department head initiates the request for approval of the appropriate emeritus/emerita title concurrently with the personnel action notifying the University administration of the retirement. Phased Retirement Program (PRP) participants may request that the Department Head initiate the approval process for emeritus/emerita faculty status upon PRP entry or completion.

B. The department head submits a letter of recommendation to the dean documenting that the faculty member meets the criteria for emeritus/emerita status.

C. The dean submits the letter of recommendation to the Office of Provost.

D. The Office of the Provost coordinates submission of the recommendation for faculty emeritus/emerita status to the Chancellor.

E. Upon notification of Chancellor’s approval, the department enters the corresponding personnel action into the Human Resource personnel system.

F. The faculty member submits an updated resume (or concise career summary) to University Archives:


Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees may make exceptions to these eligibility requirements and grant emeritus/emerita status in cases of exceptional distinguished service.