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Provost’s Office Announces New Professional Faculty Award

Holladay Hall

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost announces a new award to honor professional faculty at NC State.

The Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching aims to promote the importance of teaching and to encourage, identify, recognize, reward and support excellent teaching within the university.
This award will be the most prestigious campus recognition for teaching given to professional faculty from among NC State’s 10 colleges and the University College. Additionally, the award was created to mirror the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching — which is open only to tenure-track faculty — and the recognition and dollar amount of each award is the same.

“Many of our professional faculty are truly exemplary teachers, mentors, and scholars of teaching and learning, and they have dedicated themselves to this aspect of faculty work and life,” said Katharine Stewart, senior vice provost for faculty and academic affairs. “This award gives these faculty members a much-deserved opportunity to be recognized and rewarded for their contributions to their students’ success and to the success of nearly all of our academic programs across campus.”

The recipient of the Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching will receive a cash prize of $12,500. Additionally, each college nominee will receive a cash prize of $650.

Both the award recipient and the college nominees will be honored at the annual University Teaching Awards Luncheon and Ceremony in spring 2022. They will also be publicized in editions of the NC State Bulletin, the Provost’s Office newsletter and the spring 2022 commencement program.

“I designed this award specifically to honor full-time faculty in the professional tracks, who represent a large part of NC State’s faculty population, and deserve increased recognition for all they do to make the university an outstanding higher education institution,” said Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Warwick Arden. “We want to elevate the recognition of these vital members of the university community, and encourage and support them in their work.”

In August 2021, the Provost’s Office will issue an official call for nominations, which will include the award nomination deadline. College award committees will choose one candidate from their respective college for a nomination.

More details will be available this summer on the Internal Awards page on the Provost’s Office website. Please direct any questions regarding the Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching to Judy Austin, faculty awards/events coordinator, at