January 2019 Provost’s Corner

Dear faculty and staff,
Happy New Year and here’s to an eventful 2019! We’re well on our way, having recently wrapped up a busy Winter Welcome Week and the first week of classes for the spring semester. I’d encourage you to extend a special greeting to our Spring Connection students, who now join our largest-ever first-year class.
Some of these students even have international academic experience already. This includes time spent at the NC State European Center in Prague, where we have just named a new director.
NC State is also celebrating the 125th anniversary of the first graduate degree being awarded at NC State. The Graduate School is a wonderful asset to the university, and we’re excited about their continued impact on our campus community.
Whether you are faculty or staff member or student, I hope this year you will experience both personal and professional growth. Your dedication to educational excellence continues to expand the reaches of our success, and I am excited about what this semester and year hold.
To keep up with all academic and faculty- or staff-related developments, follow @NCStateProvost on Twitter.
Until next time,
Warwick Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost