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Provost’s Corner: May 2018

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Warwick Arden

Dear faculty and staff,

We’re quickly approaching the end of another banner academic year at NC State. Once this year’s graduating class turns their tassels at commencement on May 12, the university will have conferred 9,314 degrees for 2017-18.

That includes 94 associate, 3,929 bachelor’s, 1,595 master’s, 200 doctoral and 97 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees at the spring ceremony alone. One-hundred and ninety-seven valedictorians will be honored for achieving perfect 4.0 grade-point averages over the course of their academic careers.

Of course, students aren’t the only members of the campus community receiving recognition. Melissa Pasquinelli, professor and associate head in the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science in the College of Textiles, received the University of North Carolina Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching. She will be honored at commencement.

Additionally, four faculty members, Harald Ade, Barry Goodwin, Behnam Pourdeyhimi and Abdel-Fattah Seyam, received the Alexander Quarles Holladay Medal for Excellence at the annual Celebration of Faculty Excellence on May 1. More than 20 other faculty members were also highlighted for their contributions to teaching, research and engagement. Of course, we expect activity on campus to remain high throughout the summer months and into the fall.

This summer on campus, 25 new student orientation sessions will take place, with up to 300 students per session in attendance. Additionally, NC State will host more than 120 summer camps and conferences, with more than 13,000 attendees. We have also started an open search for the new vice provost and director of the NCSU Libraries. Find more information on the Provost’s Office website.

$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, this year’s Common Reading Selection, will be distributed to all new first-year students during New Student Orientation prior to the fall semester. Faculty and staff can learn more about the selection and how to incorporate it into their roles for a well-rounded reading experience.

I hope that each one of you takes time to engage in enriching activity both personally and professionally this summer. Look for an abbreviated Provost’s Office newsletter in June and July, and we’ll return in full force for the start of the fall semester.

To keep up with all academic and faculty- or staff-related developments, follow @NCStateProvost on Twitter.

Until next time,

Warwick Arden

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost