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June 2017 Announcements

Holladay Hall
  • Susan Nutter, vice provost and director of the NCSU Libraries, has announced that she is stepping down this fall. Nutter has excellently served NC State for 30 years, garnering recognition for her personal accomplishments and those of the James B. Hunt Jr. Library and the D.H. Hill Library. A national search will be conducted for a new vice provost and director. Greg Raschke, associate director for collections and scholarly communication, will serve as Interim Vice Provost and Director of Libraries upon Nutter’s retirement. For more information, visit
  • The Office of International Affairs will go through some transitions in the new fiscal year to better position NC State for increased global engagement and collaboration.
    • Office of Global Engagement: The Office of International Affairs will become the Office of Global Engagement. This change is effective July 1, but it will take some time to transition the name in campus systems, on websites and on printed materials.
    • Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement: Effective July 1, Bailian Li will become the Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement and begin reporting directly to Provost Arden. Senior Vice Provost for Academic Strategy and Resource Management Duane Larick, to whom Li currently reports, will continue to stay engaged with Li and his unit.
    • NC State European Center in Prague: The Prague Institute will shift management from the College of Design to the Office of Global Engagement, becoming the NC State European Center in Prague (NC State Prague), effective July 1. Peter Kjaer will remain director of the center and Art Rice from the College of Design will continue to work closely with the program.
    • Read the full memo from Provost Arden for more information on the planned new location for the Office and Global Engagement and a few other staff transitions.
  • Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 NC State University Awards for Excellence: Mary Catherine Cole, administrative support specialist, Office of the Chancellor; Adina Stock, assistant athletic director for operations, Athletics; Brian Green, director of golf maintenance, Lonnie Poole Golf Course; Melissa Cardez, student financial services representative, Registration and Records; Lindsay Hester, public communication specialist, Campus Enterprises; Rudy Lopez, lead engineer, Capital Project Management; Amy Parker, venture program coordinator, Office of Technology Commercialization and New Ventures; Michael Cuales, associate director, New Media Development, DELTA; Labin Woodlief, research technician, Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Tammy Kelly, county extension director, Lenoir County; Lesley Wirt, associate director, Northeast Leadership Academy; and Stephanie Teeter, research technician, Biomedical Program. They will be submitted for consideration for the Governor’s Awards for Excellence.
  • 2017 NC State Wellness Champion Application – If you have a special interest in creating a culture of wellness in your college, unit or department, apply to be an NC State Wellness Champion!  Help make your workplace a healthier workplace.  Wellness Champions work to promote wellness, lead activities and motivate their peers to make healthy lifestyle choices. Certain criteria must be met for eligibility.  Apply by June 16, 2017! Learn more at:
  • Summer NCFDD Webinars – We are excited to share the National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development’s (NCFDD) Summer webinar schedule. NC State joins nearly 60 other institutions as an institutional member of the NCFDD. With your free institutional sub-account, you will have access to a large variety of programs and services that NCFDD offers, including webinars (both live and archived), multi-week courses, private discussion forums, monthly accountability buddy matching, moderated monthly writing challenges, a career center, and much more. Register for your sub-account by visiting The topics for NCFDD’s Summer offerings include: The Art of Saying No, Teaching In No Time: How to Prepare for a Stress-Free Semester, Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors & Collaborators. Click here to view the full schedule and to register online.
  • The Office of Information Technology has announced its schedule of workshops for summer 2017. These include lunch and learns, Google training, WordPress training, accessibility and more. For more information and to register, visit
  • Packapalooza will be held Saturday, Aug. 19 from 2 p.m.-10 p.m. on Hillsborough Street, from Brooks Street to the roundabout near the Memorial Belltower. To register as a vendor, visit To volunteer, visit For more information about the event, visit
  • Want to let NC State know what you did this summer? We want to talk about your summer travel, research, service and more in an upcoming issue of the Provost’s Office newsletter. If you’re interested in participating, please send a paragraph description of your summer exploits, along with a high-resolution photo, your name/position/department and any other relevant information to by July 31.