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NC State Affiliate Members

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Liz Kierepka

Research Assistant Professor, Forestry and Environmental Resources

Sung Woo Kim

Professor, Animal Science

Serena Kim

Assistant Professor, Public Administration

Manuel Kleiner

Associate Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology

Ravi Kulkarni

Assistant Professor, Population Health and Pathobiology

Cristina Lanzas

Assistant Professor, Population Health and Pathobiology

Nathalie Lavoine

Assistant Professor, Forest Biomaterials

Catherine LePrevost

Associate Extension Professor and Agromedicine Extension Specialist, Applied Ecology

Jay Levine

Professor, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Gregory A. Lewbart

Professor, Clinical Sciences

Terri A. Long

Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology

Frank J. Louws

Head & Professor, Horticultural Science