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NC State alumni gateway

Jul 31, 2020

From Provost Arden: Designation of Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants with Mandatory On-site Status for COVID-19

To make coming on-site (NC State campus or other university facilities) easier, University Human Resources is working with the Office of Information Technology to designate all NC State faculty, including adjuncts, in the following categories as mandatory on-site: tenured faculty, tenure track faculty, professional track professorially-ranked faculty, and lecturers and senior lecturers. Teaching assistants and research assistants will also be designated as mandatory on-site in the same way. 

NC State alumni gateway

Jul 27, 2020

3D Memo: Important Update: COVID-19 Special Faculty and Staff Leave Provisions and Expanded Community Service Leave

The University of North Carolina System has revised its guidelines for COVID-19 paid administrative leave and community service programs. The new guidelines will go into effect August 1, 2020, and remain in effect until revised or rescinded. 

NC State alumni gateway

Jul 21, 2020

3D Memo: COVID-19 Voluntary Shared Leave Bank

NC State is implementing a special COVID-19 voluntary shared leave program beginning August 1, 2020, and ending December 31, 2020. The COVID-19 Voluntary Shared Leave Bank will allow NC State employees to voluntarily donate their leave time to other leave-earning NC State employees who have exhausted their accrued leave due to COVID-19-related qualifying events. 

NC State flag

Jul 15, 2020

July 2020 Announcements

Find out the latest happenings related to NC State faculty and staff, including campus COVID-19 updates, fall reopening plans, professional development opportunities and more. 

Jul 15, 2020

July 2020 Provost’s Corner

As the end of NC State’s summer sessions nears, faculty and staff deserve a huge thanks for their tireless work over the past several months as plans are made to reactivate campus in preparation for fall. 

student dancing

Jul 14, 2020

Arts NC State Keeps Moving, From a Distance

When classes moved online this spring, the Arts NC State community pulled together to continue to engage students, fellow performers and patrons alike. They made plans, secured technological assistance, communicated openly with students and offered support to the community. 

NC State alumni gateway

Jun 23, 2020

3D Memo: Update on COVID-19 Special Faculty and Staff Leave Provisions

The University of North Carolina System has established new guidelines for leave provisions related to COVID-19. The new guidelines take effect July 1, 2020. 

NC State alumni gateway

Jun 18, 2020

3D Memo: Travel Exception Process and Required Approvals During COVID-19 Impacted Operations

University travel remains restricted due to UNC System directives and public health concerns. All travel is considered an exception and must be approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designees. Travel exception approvals are required before travel occurs, and for reimbursement of any travel expenses. 

faculty at computer

Jun 11, 2020

Supporting Academic Continuity

Academic continuity planning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic marked many faculty members’ first foray into online teaching. Planning is underway for the fall semester, and in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, faculty and university partners are there to help CHASS colleagues with their academic continuity questions. 

NC State Memorial Belltower

Jun 10, 2020

How Do You Think and Do?

We want to tell the campus community about something new and different that you’ve learned and/or done since we’ve been apart in the August 2020 issue of the Provost’s Office newsletter. From engaging in social activism and community service, to new research, trying a new hobby or uncovering a hidden talent and more — we want to hear about it all.