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Around Campus

February 2025 Provost’s Corner

Warwick Arden

Dear faculty and staff,

We observed our Wellness Day yesterday for the spring 2025 semester. No classes were held nor were assignments due, and we encouraged instructors to avoid tests or deadlines yesterday and today. 

This is more than just a day for our community to engage in the pursuit of various modes of wellbeing; it is an attitude that we integrate into our lives as we pursue greater health and balance. For more information, visit our Wolfpack Wellness page.

At this time, we also want to be intentional about celebrating the groups and individuals that make up our unique community. This month we recognize Black History and Futures Month, honoring Black  Americans and peoples of the African diaspora, and the way they’ve shaped our country and university. This year’s Black History and Futures Month theme is “Stories of Us: Past, Present, and Possible.” Learn more and get involved in campus activities here.

We’re currently in the process of seeking nominations for honorary degrees, which represent NC State’s highest recognition of outstanding contributions to academic, professional or civic society that create a model for others to emulate and reflect the mission and vision of the university. If you know of someone who would be a great fit for an honorary degree, read our article in this month’s newsletter and visit the provided link to make a submission.

In this newsletter you’ll also find information about the Peter A. Pappas Real Estate Development Program and much more in our monthly announcements.

Thank you for all that you do for our Wolfpack family and NC State as a whole. I look forward to working alongside of you the rest of this busy semester.

To keep up with all academic and faculty- or staff-related developments, follow @NCStateProvost on X.

Until next time,
Warwick Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost