- Even though many in the campus community have headed their separate ways for the summer, we know that NC State faculty, staff and students keep moving throughout the season. What plans do you have for this season — are you teaching a class, exploring a new hobby or destination, conducting research or serving your community? We want to let everyone know what you’re up to in the August 2023 issue of the Provost’s Office newsletter. If you’re interested in participating, please send a paragraph description of your summer adventures, along with a high-resolution photo and your name/position/department to provost-communications@ncsu.edu by Friday, August 18.
Administrator Updates:
- Vice Provost for Global Engagement search: On-campus interviews for three finalists were held between June 23 and 30. A new vice provost will be announced soon. More information on the search is available at go.ncsu.edu/vp-ge-search.
- Dan Monek has been appointed a Faculty Fellow within the Office for Faculty Excellence, effective July 1. As a Faculty Fellow, Dan will work for two years with me and Senior Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Katharine Stewart on university-level strategic initiatives as part of Wolfpack 2030: Powering the Extraordinary. This includes incorporating interdisciplinarity throughout NC State’s colleges and units, defining promotion standards for professional faculty, and developing tools that deans and department heads can use to support initiatives within their academic units.
- Several new department head appointments became effective in early July:
- María Bellalta, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
- Stuart Benkert (interim), Department of Performing Arts and Technology
- Rasul Mowatt (interim), Department of Health and Exercise Studies
- Jason Swarts, Department of English
- Traci Brynne Voyles, Department of History
- Jim Michnowicz, Department of World Languages and Cultures
- Andrea Leverentz, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Veena Misra (interim), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Carolina Gill (interim), Department of Graphic Design and Industrial Design
- Katherine Saul (interim), Department of Forest Biomaterials
- Joy Gaston Gayles, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development
- DELTA has implemented a badge system that allows you to earn and display digital credentials as you progress through workshop series — you can register through REPORTER. There are two levels of achievement available: Exploring and Applying. Learn more.
- Save the Date for DELTA Express Grants. Wondering when you can submit your application? The system will be open for submissions from August 21 – September 15. We’re offering four Express Grant types: Course Accessibility, Course Mapping, Instructional Tools, and Virtual Tours. Learn more.
- DELTA and the College of Design teamed up to create virtual tours of the entire building to showcase the current facilities and projects students are working on this year. These tours are being used to engage with alumni as part of the yearlong 75th anniversary celebration as well as for recruitment and admissions promotions. Learn more.
- Two NC State faculty, Carlos Goller and Remi Ham, took the initiative to register for and complete a three-week course to learn how to conduct research on online learning. The workshop is available through Quality Matters via the Course Quality Program at NC State. Read their takeaways.
- Boot Camp: Moodle and More: join us for an in-person (August 15) or online (August 16) Boot Camp to learn about instructional technologies available at NC State. Be ready to start your semester using our core digital tools for teaching and learning. You may attend the full day or choose individual sessions. Register for Boot Camp.
From the Office for Faculty Excellence:
- The Summer of What If? will be a four-part series in July created to engage faculty, staff and graduate students in a learning opportunity designed to advance professional development. The Summer of What If? will focus on rediscovering academic pathways and looking at them with fresh eyes. The asynchronous, four-part series will take place on each Wednesday in July, starting on Wednesday, July 5. Each installment will include a blog post, podcast, relevant readings, companion artwork and more. Each week the new installment will focus on a different area of academia: research, service, leadership and teaching. All installments will be posted on the OFE blog page and a link will be emailed to all registrants.
The content is accessed at your own pace, in your own time, and using your favorite device. If you want to, you can join us on Twitter using #NCStateWhatIf to chat about the theme of the week. The series will include interviews with a Nobel Laureate, a chancellor and the president of the American Association of the Advancement of Science If you are interested in receiving the four installments of the Summer of What If? series, please sign up here.
From the Office of Global Engagement:
- The Global Training Initiative has been partnering with the College of Engineering’s Engineering Your Experience program to help undergraduate students expand their cultural awareness and knowledge as well as start their journey toward cultural competence. One of the main ways is the college’s sponsorship of students to participate in the Developing Cultural Competence program. The DCC is a 10-hour, high-impact, co-curricular program that provides students the opportunity to engage with their peers from partner institutions across the world in facilitated online discussions and cultural exchanges after completing a series of self-paced individual learning modules. Learn more.
- The Global Training Initiative at NC State is partnering with NC State Dining to host the first-ever Culinary World Cup this fall. Students will sign up individually and be placed in cross-cultural teams. These teams will then compete by cooking in the state-of-the-art teaching kitchen in the Carmichael Gym. This summer, we will do a test run with staff members in the Office of Global Engagement and the NC State community. Anyone interested in participating as a cook or spectator can fill out the form below. We will let you know once you’ve been selected as a chef or an in-person spectator. Learn more.
From the Global One Health Academy:
- The Global One Health Academy is pleased to announce the first cohort of Global One Health Fellows. Each Global One Health (GOH) Fellow receives one year of support beginning in August 2023, including a $30,000 stipend, insurance coverage, and tuition/fee remission. In addition to many opportunities involving public engagement and interdisciplinary co-mentorship, each GOH Fellow is required to participate in the following activities: a 1-credit hour Global One Health seminar course in Fall 2023; monthly professional development meetings; and the Global One Health Academy Research Symposium in Spring 2024. Meet this year’s Fellows.
From Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
- NC State Innovation and Entrepreneurship announced the newest cohort of Miller Fellows – young entrepreneurs that have launched startups as students. The fellowship program supports newly graduated entrepreneurs who wish to pursue their venture full time after graduation with resources and a monthly stipend. Benefits of the program include access to mentors and industry professionals, continued use of the Entrepreneurship Garage and a monthly stipend of $1,000 to cover basic needs. Fellows also attend workshops and networking events through monthly meet-ups. The Miller Fellows program runs from June through November and applications for the 2024 cohort will open in March 2024. Learn more.
From the Institute for Emerging Issues:
- The Institute for Emerging Issues is pleased to announce that Kendal Bowman, president of Duke Energy’s operations in North Carolina – has joined its National Advisory Board. Bowman was named the North Carolina state president at Duke Energy effective January 1, 2023. In this role, Bowman is responsible for the performance of Duke Energy’s regulated utilities in North Carolina, along with leading state and local regulatory and government relations, and community affairs. Bowman joins a National Advisory Board committed to connecting people, knowledge and resources across the state of North Carolina.
From the Integrative Sciences Initiative:
- An NC State University research team has been awarded funding from the UNC System Research Opportunities Initiative (ROI) to accelerate molecular and biological innovations enabled by next-generation self-driving labs. Self-driving labs leverage artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and lab automation to fast-track the discovery and development of advanced materials and molecules needed to develop new medicines, semiconductors and sustainability solutions. Learn more.
From the NC State University Libraries:
- The University Libraries and Office of Undergraduate Research are partnering to host the Summer Symposium in D. H. Hill Jr. Library on July 27. Several hundred undergraduate researchers from across campus will present posters of their work, including digital posters in the Visualization Studio. Come learn from undergraduate researchers about their exciting research/creative endeavors! The NC State community and general public are invited. For more information and to see a schedule of presentations: Summer Symposium Website.
- Need a few moments of relaxation and animal interaction? Come “paws” for a break with one of our volunteer teams at the Veterinary Medicine Library! All members of the NC State community are welcome to participate in the Paws for a Break program. So, if you have a few minutes between 2 and 3 p.m. on Monday, August 7,, stop by the Library and say hi! For more information, contact Aisha Grant at amgrant2@ncsu.edu.
From the Office of Information Technology:
- In two recent phishing attacks, cybercriminals used fake NC State Shibboleth login pages and fraudulent Duo Security push notifications to trick several members of the campus community into sharing their Unity IDs and passwords. Learn how to protect yourself from these kinds of attacks.