An open search for the vice provost for Global Engagement is underway.
Last spring, Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement Bailian Li stepped down from his position and returned to the faculty in the College of Natural Resources, effective August 15. Dr. Heidi Hobbs, associate professor in the School of Public and International Affairs, has been leading the Office of Global Engagement in the interim.
The nomination committee for the vice provost for Global Engagement search is chaired by Senior Vice Provost for University Interdisciplinary Programs Rob Dunn. The other committee members represent the unit as well as various constituents from across the university, including deans, department heads, faculty involved with global engagement, administration and student government representatives. Committee members are:
- Soolyeon Cho, Associate Dean of Research, Doctoral Programs and Global Engagement, College of Design
- Srinith Ekkad, R. J. Reynolds Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering
- Deveshwar Hariharan, Graduate Student Association President
- Peter Harries, Dean, the Graduate School
- McKenzy Heavlin, Student Body President and Member, NC State Board of Trustees
- Holly Hurlburt, Assistant Dean and Director, Academic Enrichment Programs, Division of Academic and Student Affairs
- Sarah Olson, Director, Global Partnerships, Office of Global Engagement
- Seth Parrish, Associate Director, Study Abroad, Office of Global Engagement
- Kim Strozewski, Director, NC State European Center in Prague, Office of Global Engagement
- Sid Thakur, Executive Director, Global One Health Academy, and Professor, Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
The nomination committee held its first meeting on February 20 and will continue to work during the spring and early summer. Finalist candidate interviews and open forums will be held in late spring or early summer. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or
Buffkin / Baker search firm has been contracted to manage recruiting and logistics for this search. Kelly Wick will be managing the search for the Provost’s Office.