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Learn More About the Final Proposals for NC State’s Next QEP

students meeting in the library

Members of the NC State community can learn more in-depth information about the two final proposals for the university’s 2024-2029 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The QEP is an integral component of NC State’s 2024 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Reaffirmation of Accreditation process. 

It reflects and affirms a commitment to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue NC State considers important to improving student success in alignment with the university’s strategic plan, Wolfpack 2030: Powering the Extraordinary. The QEP Planning Team evaluated seven QEP topic pre-proposals for appropriateness, alignment to the university mission and strategic plan, and feasibility of implementation. The planning team then reviewed input from the QEP Proposals Review Team, comprised of representatives from the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate and Student Governments, to select finalists for full proposal development.

PackWays for All: Learning by Doing

This proposal is for a universitywide initiative designed to increase student access to, awareness of and participation in NC State’s wide variety of valuable experiential learning opportunities, also known as high-impact experiences. The initiative will have several components, including a PackWays for All online tracking platform, stakeholder advisory board and community of practice.

Transfer Student Success Center

This proposal is for a universitywide initiative that would provide consistent advising and support to undergraduate transfer students from community colleges and other four-year institutions. The Transfer Student Success Center would work in close partnership with the colleges and divisions on campus and serve as a one-stop shop for inquiries, recruitment, advising and support. 

All NC State students, faculty and staff are encouraged to review the two final QEP proposals and supporting videos and provide input at by Monday, February 20. The QEP Planning Team will also be soliciting input from several groups on campus. Provost Arden will announce the final topic selection in March.

If you have questions regarding the QEP planning process, please visit the QEP website or contact