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December 2022 Provost’s Corner

Provost Warwick Arden

Dear faculty and staff,

We’re only days away from fall commencement — what a year 2022 has been! On December 17, 3,508 NC State students will sing the alma mater together one more time as they become proud graduates.

That includes 58 associate, 2,043 bachelor’s, 1,196 master’s and 356 doctoral degrees. With the 6,495 degrees NC State conferred last May, the university will award a total of 10,147 degrees in 2022.

Additionally, we’re gearing up to welcome new leadership to the university in the coming year. Searches for the next deans of the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering, and Sciences are now underway. We hope to have all of these searches completed by late spring 2023.

With all of the activity on campus the past year, it is important that we take time to think back on the lessons we’ve learned and those who have impacted our lives along the way. I encourage you to let us know your reflections, please send a paragraph (or two) description, along with a high-resolution photo and your name, position and department to by Monday, Jan. 9, 2023.

Thank you for your continued commitment to making NC State a wonderful place to work, serve, and pursue scholarship and innovation. I can’t wait to see where 2023 will take us.

I hope that your winter break will be filled with rest, relaxation and time to make memories with family and friends. See you in the new year!

To keep up with all academic and faculty- or staff-related developments, follow @NCStateProvost on Twitter.

Until next time,
Warwick Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost